Season 0
not specified
1: Felicity Emmy Parody
Parody by the cast of Felicity for the Emmys
not specified
2: Season 1 Episode 22 "Felicity Was Here" with Audio Commentary by Co-creators J.J. Abrams and Matt Reeves
not specified
3: Season 2 Episode 2 "The List" with Audio Commentary by Keri Russell and Scott Speedman
Season 2 Episode "The List" with audio commentary
not specified
4: Season 2 Episode 3 "Ancient History" with Audio Commentary by Keri Russell and Scott Foley
not specified
5: Season 2 Episode 11 "Help for the Lovelorn" with Audio Commentary by J.J. Abrams, Lamont Johnson, and Matt Reeves
not specified
6: Season 2 Episode 12 "The Slump" with Audio Commentary by Co-creators J.J. Abrams and Matt Reeves
not specified
7: Finding Felicity
Short featurette on finding Keri Russell for the part of Felicity.
not specified
8: Felicity Emmy Parody
Parody by the cast of Felicity for the Emmys
Season 1
Tuesday, September 29th, 1998
1: Graduation (Pilot)
At her high school graduation, Felicity Porter works up the nerve to ask Ben Covington, her longtime crush, to sign her yearbook. On a whim, she decides to follow him to college in New York City, abandoning long-established plans to study medicine at Stanford. Her parents try to convince her that she is making a huge mistake, and refuse to provide her with financial support. Felicity moves into the dorm and (eventually) meets roommate Meghan, a standoffish girl with a decidedly alternative lifestyle. Her resident advisor, Noel, is much friendlier; he quickly develops romantic feelings for her. Felicity befriends Julie, an aspiring guitar player; and confesses her reasons for coming to New York to Ben. He is flattered, but understandably frightened. Felicity tells him that she has realized how strange her behavior is, and just wants to be friends. Hoping to learn more about Ben and get closer to him, she uses her job at the university's records office to read Ben's application essay.
Tuesday, October 6th, 1998
2: The Last Stand
Felicity receives word that someone has requested a copy of her application essay. She believes the interested party is Ben (the topic of the composition), so she sends him a copy. However, her parents have actually stayed in New York in a last-ditch attempt to convince her to drop out and enroll at Stanford. They requested the essay in the hopes of figuring out what she was thinking. Noel suggests that Felicity have them visit the dorm to see how she lives, but things don't go well. Felicity explains that she initially came to New York for Ben, but now sees the experience as an opportunity to break away and make her own life. Her mother is hurt, and Felicity fears that their relationship will never be the same. However, Mrs. Porter later comes to see Felicity and explains that she is just afraid of seeing her repeat her mistakes (by becoming too serious about a boy too quickly). The Porters eventually agree to accept Felicity's decision, and Dr. Porter insists on paying for her tu
Tuesday, October 13th, 1998
3: Hot Objects
The dorm plans a party. A student insists that she can handle the party planning alone, and introduces Noel to her cousins, who seem to be ""connected."" Noel asks Felicity to save him a dance. Felicity excitedly plans to invite Ben to the party, and is upset when he hears about the event from Julie before she gets the chance to talk to him. Julie continues to resist Ben's advances. Meghan informs Felicity that something is obviously going on between the duo. Felicity sees the two together at the party, and confronts Julie. Julie sneers that she is tired of putting aside her feelings in order to protect Felicity. Felicity meets floormate Elena Tyler. A disc jockey accidentally plays one of Felicity's tapes to her friend Sally. Everyone hears a passage in which she talks about sex. She runs off, humiliated. Ben crashes in Felicity's room after getting locked out of his apartment. She stares at him while he sleeps. Felicity has difficulty locating the textbook for her inorganic chemist
Tuesday, October 20th, 1998
4: Boggled
While playing a game of Boggle in her room, Felicity and Noel kiss. Meghan walks in on them, and quickly spreads juicy rumors. Felicity is upset when Elena (her new lab partner) believes that she is sleeping with Noel. Felicity accepts a ""maybe date"" with Noel. Just as she is beginning to realize her feelings for him, he reveals that he has a girlfriend. Felicity tells him off and storms out of the restaurant. Noel apologizes and explains his situation. Julie tells Ben that she only wants to be friends. She meets Zach, a freshman film student who earns the nickname ""Pink Guy"" after a laundry mishap. Julie upsets Zach with her critical comments about his film. Ben tries out for the track team. When he fails to make it, Ben--unaware that Felicity attended his try-out--tries to save face by telling her that he simply didn't have time to be part of the team.
Tuesday, October 27th, 1998
5: Spooked
En route to a study date, Ben and Felicity are robbed at gunpoint in his loft. Ben has trouble sleeping, and begins hanging out with Felicity in the middle of the night. They are drawn closer by the experience, as he confides in her about his abusive father. They decide to dress as Frankenstein and the Bride of Frankenstein for a Halloween party at the loft. Ben forgets about their costume plans, and completely ignores Felicity during the party. She tells him off and accuses him of pushing her away because he felt awkward after sharing such personal recollections with her. He says that he is tired of having to live up to her expectations. He later apologizes and gives her a necklace to replace the one stolen during the robbery. Julie and Zach bond during a Halloween showing of ""The Exorcist."" Julie feels awkward after Zach kisses her, but later decides to begin seeing him. Elena sleeps with Blair, a guy she met at the party. Felicity takes a job at Dean & DeLuca, a coffee shop.
Tuesday, November 3rd, 1998
6: Cheating
Felicity believes that she and Ben are growing closer. Ben asks her to proofread his English paper and hand it in. She rewrites it in the hopes of helping him get a better grade. The professor becomes suspicious and accuses Ben of cheating. Felicity confesses her actions to Ben. He is not only furious, but hurt that she seems to believe that he is stupid. He stubbornly refuses to allow her to turn herself in. Ben tries to learn the material in the paper before facing a hearing in front of faculty members. He eventually admits that he didn't write the paper. The professor saves Felicity and Ben from expulsion, but they both fail the assignment. (Felicity had gotten an A, and Ben's original paper would have received a B.) Julie prepares to see ""Solaris"" with Zach. She rents a copy beforehand because she is afraid that she will not understand the film. Blair constantly asks Elena for a date, while she dismisses their night together as a one-night stand.
Tuesday, November 10th, 1998
7: Drawing the Line (1)
Ben gives Felicity the cold shoulder after the cheating incident. She whines about the situation to Noel, who becomes very uncomfortable. He seeks advice from his fellow resident advisors, pretending that it is one of his advisees who is in this predicament. They recommend that he bar Felicity from discussing Ben with him. Noel shares his decision with Felicity, but ends up leaving her hurt and angry. He repeatedly tries to rectify the situation, only to make things worse. The other resident advisors tell him to just be a good friend to Felicity for the time being, as there is no chance that she will ever date him unless they maintain their friendship. Blair learns that Elena may have to leave school. She will not open up to him, so he persuades Felicity to look in her file. They discover that Elena is experiencing financial problems, but discover a scholarship that will end all her worries. She angrily refuses because the scholarship recipient must be African American and of low
Tuesday, November 17th, 1998
8: Drawing the Line (2)
Felicity tells Noel about the rape in the hopes that he will have some idea of how to help Julie. Felicity offers Julie her support and accompanies her to the hospital for an exam. The police ask Julie to file a report, but she declines for the time being. She claims to be fine and shuts down emotionally. Zach approaches her about another date, and has no idea that Julie is even upset with him. Felicity and Noel seek advice at the university health center. They learn that it is unlikely the case could be prosecuted by the police because it is a date-rape case involving alcohol. However, Julie can still file charges through the university. Noel reports Zach to his R.A., Darryl. Felicity is upset, but Noel points out that he has a responsibility for the safety of other students. After Darryl lays into him, Zach confronts Julie and insists that he did not rape her. Julie is angry with Felicity for interfering, and refuses her help. She believes that she is to blame for the rap
Tuesday, November 24th, 1998
9: Thanksgiving
Felicity plans to fly home for Thanksgiving, but then decides to stay on campus so that Julie will not have to be alone. Julie is not yet ready to face her parents, as she cannot bring herself to tell them about the rape. Ben learns that his parents don't want him to come home for the holiday. Elena visits her father, who irritates her by revealing his plans to have Thanksgiving dinner with his girlfriend. Tired of being ignored, she returns to the campus. Noel entertains his visiting girlfriend, Hanna. He behaves very strangely around Felicity, and angers her by introducing her as one of the ""kids"" on his floor. Hanna announces that she may be moving to New York to enroll in a special music school. Noel agrees that it would be a good idea. Noel and a jealous Felicity have a confrontation in the bathroom. Ben catches them kissing. Hanna confesses that she has been seeing someone at Northwestern. Noel and Hanna decide to break up, but agree to remain friends. Felicity's lovably ecc
Tuesday, December 15th, 1998
10: Finally
Before Felicity and Noel can deal with the repercussions of their kiss, he is called away on a family emergency. His uncle has been involved in a serious auto accident, and Noel must make all the arrangements. When he returns weeks later after his uncle's unexpected recovery, he and Felicity decide to put aside discussion of their relationship until after finals. Noel discovers that he picked up the wrong bag at the airport, leaving him without any of his notes. Felicity offers to help him. However, they spend most of their time making out instead of studying. An annoying guy named Richard, whom Noel had just reported for having a barbecue in his room, sees them kissing. He threatens to report Noel for fraternizing with an advisee unless he lets Richard do whatever he wants. Ben calls on Felicity to help him prepare for their poetry final. She agrees because she owes him after causing him to flunk the earlier essay. He tells her that he saw her kissing Noel in the bathroom, and Fel
Tuesday, January 19th, 1999
11: Gimme an O!
Felicity returns from Christmas break and promptly announces that she wants to lose her virginity to Noel. She believes that she needs to have sex as soon as possible because she feels like an outsider. Julie tells Noel that she and Ben have been ""hanging out"" a lot, as she is able to sleep better at his place. They are not officially a couple, but went away to Vermont together during vacation. Noel asks Julie not to say anything until after his big night with Felicity. Felicity seeks advice from many different sources--including books, a health care worker and Elena. The couple's first attempt goes awry when some guys walk in on them, and a dried-up Christmas tree catches fire in Noel's room. They reserve a hotel room, but Felicity calls Julie from the bathroom and senses that something is wrong. Noel tells Felicity about Julie and Ben. When she becomes upset, he declares that she is not over Ben. Elena has a talk with him and accuses him of using Felicity's feelings for Ben a
Tuesday, January 26th, 1999
12: Friends
Felicity spies Blair kissing another girl in the library. Felicity plans to tell Elena, but keeps quiet when the girl turns out to be Elena's best friend, Tara. Blair tries to convince Felicity that he wasn't even at the library. He and Tara later confess to Elena, but claim that it was an accident. She is still mad, but elects to forgive them. Felicity talks with a guy with a photographic memory who frequents the library stacks. He has seen Blair and Tara make out on several occasions. Elena refuses to believe that Tara would betray her, and essentially orders Felicity to stay out of her business. She soon has a change of heart and backs out of a date with Blair, but tells him to go to the concert alone. She apologizes to Felicity, and they wait for the concert to let out. They discover that Blair gave Elena's ticket to Tara, whom he kisses outside the arena. Julie learns the identity of her birth mother, Carol Anderson. Ben comes along for moral support as Julie prepares to meet
Tuesday, February 9th, 1999
13: Todd Mulcahy (1)
Todd Mulcahy, a young man who attended summer school with Felicity when she was twelve, arrives unexpectedly. He declares that he and Felicity are soulmates, and announces that he has come to New York to kiss her. Felicity seeks Ben's advice on how to deal with a stalker. She is annoyed when Todd manages to win everyone over with his charms. (He helps Noel with a computer problem, and turns out to be an old skateboarding buddy of Ben's.) Felicity finally takes Todd to dinner and orders him to leave her alone. As she walks home, he follows her and insists that they will be together. He gets hit by a bus. Felicity and Elena prepare for an important test. The students with the top twenty scores win the right to an interview with the professor for a seminar that is considered essential for those hoping to make it to medical school. Blair approaches Elena for a date, unaware that she knows that he is cheating on her. She punches his lights out. He later approaches and asks her for another
Tuesday, February 16th, 1999
14: Todd Mulcahy (2)
Todd gives Felicity an old note in which she speaks of her dreams of becoming an artist. Felicity experiences doubts about her future and blows her interview for the seminar by telling Dr. McGrath that she doesn't really want to be a doctor. Felicity visits the art studio, where a cute student invites her to hang out and work on her drawing. She stays at the studio working all night, blowing off a date with Noel. They argue because he is upset that she is not confiding in him about her identity crisis. Felicity visits Todd with a care package and gives him his kiss. He immediately experiences complications and has to be rushed into surgery. Felicity is surprised to learn that Todd is engaged. His fiancée gave him permission to go after Felicity because she didn't want to deny him a chance at happiness, but is devastated at the thought of losing him. The doctors are able to save Todd, and he leaves for a rehab hospital. Felicity is inspired by the experience and remembers why she
Tuesday, February 23rd, 1999
15: Love and Marriage
Javier faces deportation. Horrified by the prospect of being separated from his true love, Samuel, he asks Felicity to help him get a green card by marrying him. Felicity reluctantly agrees to go through with it, although she could face jail time if their scheme is discovered. Javier calls off the marriage because of Samuel's objections. Samuel convinces his boss to transfer him to Spain so that he can stay with Javier. Noel's visiting brother Ryan announces that he is gay. Before Noel can come to grips with this news, Ryan introduces him to his boyfriend, whom he plans to marry. Ryan is infuriated when Noel proves to be less than supportive of his decision. They come to an understanding after Ryan shows up at a graphics exhibit where Noel has some work on display. The swim coach observes Ben's workout and asks him to try out for the team. He is reluctant; until one of the swimmers, Lynn, angers him by bringing up his failed track tryout in front of Julie. Ben competes against Lynn i
Tuesday, March 2nd, 1999
16: The Fugue
Hanna shows up at Dean & DeLuca to use the phone. She reveals that she has been attending school in New York for several months. She goes out to the bar with everyone, and seeks Noel's help in overcoming a block as she works on a musical composition. She kisses him as he sees her off at the end of the evening. Noel plans on returning her tape and moving on, but changes his mind after going to see her. Noel admits that he still has feelings for Hanna; he is considering getting back together with her. He ignores Felicity's wishes by accompanying Hanna back to her apartment. Felicity continues to frequent the art studio; and agrees to pose for a sketch with Eli, her art student friend. Noel nearly rekindles his romance with Hanna, but cuts things off and decides to go back to Felicity. Meanwhile, Felicity has sex with Eli. Julie becomes lonely as Ben spends more time with his swimmer friends. She initially despises his abrasive buddy Lynn, but discovers that he is actually a decent guy
Tuesday, April 20th, 1999
17: Assassins
Noel apologizes to Felicity for jeopardizing their relationship. He tells her that he ended things with Hanna, and that he did not sleep with her. Eli sends flowers to Felicity, which she mistakenly believes are from Noel. She finally summons the courage to tell him about her night with Eli. Noel is furious. He ignores Richard's advice and decides to check out Eli. Felicity tells Eli that she has a boyfriend, and he is understanding. She continues to suffer from tremendous guilt. After learning that Eli isn't exactly serious about Felicity, Noel gets very drunk. He shows up in Felicity's room and makes a pass at her. They later have a talk and admit that they can't forgive each other's actions. They decide to break up. The dorm residents play a war game that is designed to force them to learn everyone's name. Elena becomes obsessed with victory. Julie reluctantly aids Sean as he tries to get a date with a student librarian. Ben goes out partying with Lynn every night, le
Tuesday, April 27th, 1999
18: Happy Birthday
The dorm plans a party for Julie's birthday. Carol stops by reveals that she is actually Julie's mother. She refuses to allow Julie to meet her family because she hasn't told her husband that she has another child. Julie pleads with her to re-consider. Carol shows up at the bar to watch Julie sing. She explains that her husband is Julie's father. She had the baby while they were separated, and never told him about the pregnancy after they reunited and married years later. Carol forbids Julie from contacting her father. Julie secretly observes her parents and two siblings as they dine at a restaurant. She decides to cut ties with Carol and show more appreciation for her adoptive parents. Meghan asks Felicity to watch over her mysterious box while her parents are in town. Felicity is amazed as Meghan undergoes a complete personality transformation, trying to pass herself off as a sweet, innocent preppy. Noel considers moving out of the dorm because he feels uncomfortable around Felic
Tuesday, May 4th, 1999
19: Docuventary
Sean puts together a documentary about college life. He soon narrows the focus to a discussion of Felicity and Noel and their failed relationship. He interviews the duo and its friends and acquaintances. (Meghan describes life with Felicity as ""like living with a TV that's always playing Little House on the Prairie, only with more sweaters."") Noel, at Sean's recommendation, visits a hypnotist to deal with his unresolved anger about Felicity's fling with Eli. Noel believes that he was the only one who truly cared about the relationship. He is surprised when Sean plays back a portion of Felicity's interview, in which she admits that she loved Noel. Although Sean hopes for a happy ending, Felicity and Noel decide to take things slow. Ben tells Sean that his mother has finally left his father. Ben falls deeper into debt, and may be thrown out of school if he can't figure out a way to pay back his loans. He loses a bet and cannot cover it. When Lynn refuses to place another bet on his b
Tuesday, May 11th, 1999
20: Connections
Abby, Dean & DeLuca's officious new manager, leaves Felicity in charge while she is away. If she does a good job, she will be promoted to assistant manager. Abby orders Felicity to fire Danny, an irresponsible employee. Felicity does this, but Danny keeps showing up for work anyway. Ben is unable to pay off his debt to the campus bookie, who asks him to collect from others. He refuses to do this. Ben learns that he will soon be kicked out of school unless he can find a way to pay his tuition. Sean agrees to co-sign a loan, but the bank refuses to approve it because Sean owes money to one of his suppliers. When Julie learns of his problems, Ben angrily refuses her suggestion that he call his parents for help. Barry, the bookie, comes to the bar and harasses Ben. Ben embarrasses him by knocking him down in front of everyone, so the guy calls his frat brothers and has them beat up Ben. After the assault, Ben vanishes for 24 hours. He finally resurfaces on Felicity's doorstep. S
Tuesday, May 18th, 1999
21: The Force
Meghan uses Felicity as her guinea pig as she practices her spells. Felicity doubts Meghan's powers, until she suddenly becomes very clumsy and forgetful, seeming as the result of the spells. Noel's friend Guy forces him to work on their group project outside a movie theater as he tries to secure tickets to ""Star Wars Episode I: The Phantom Menace."" Ben has to find a new way home to Palo Alto because he must use the money his mom sent for a plane ticket to pay off his gambling debts. Felicity finds him a man who is willing to pay him to drive his car to San Francisco. Felicity, Ben, Noel and Julie plan to drive across the country together. Noel learns that he cannot make the trip because his internship starts earlier than expected. He decides that he must take the internship, even though the separation may hurt his chances of reconciling with Felicity. Lynn's girlfriend continually makes passes at Ben. He turns her down, but breaks up with Julie because he feels stifled by the r
Tuesday, May 25th, 1999
22: Felicity Was Here
Felicity concludes that it would be wrong to join Ben on the road trip, as she does not want to betray Julie. Noel offers her a ticket to Berlin, but she needs time to think it over. After Ben kisses her, she runs out in a panic and immediately accepts Noel's offer. Elena and Ben both believe that she actually wants to go on the trip with Ben. Ben pleads with her to change her mind. When Felicity visits Ben to discuss the situation, Julie witnesses their flirtation. She realizes that Ben dumped her for Felicity. Julie spills the beans to Noel, who demands that Felicity return her ticket to Berlin. Ben begins his drive alone, but returns later and makes a final plea for Felicity to join him. He appears to have won her over...until she finds the plane ticket in her room, accompanied by a love letter from Noel. Elena sleeps with Dr. McGrath. She sneaks a peek at her exam and discovers that she didn't do very well. When she receives the paper in class the next day, she finds that the
Season 2
Sunday, September 26th, 1999
1: Sophomoric
Felicity returns to school to discover that one of the dorms has been shut down. Due to the lack of rooms, she must share resident advisor duties. Much to her horror, her roommate and co-resident advisor turns out to be Meghan. Elena and Noel decide to share an apartment. Felicity deals with the consequences of her decision to drive across the country with Ben. Although Ben spent much of the summer away in Mexico, he and Felicity are now a couple. Still extremely bitter, Noel and Julie lash out at them. Julie, also a victim of the housing shortage, moves into the loft with Sean and Ben. Ben assures Felicity that he is completely over Julie. Sean insists that Ben isn't ready for a relationship with Felicity, and continually pressures him to break up with her. Ben listens to one of Felicity's tapes to Sally. He is disconcerted to hear Felicity say that she might be in love with him.
Sunday, October 3rd, 1999
2: The List
Felicity counsels an advisee, who is using tips from a magazine article to win the affections of her aloof boyfriend. Ben worries Felicity with his peculiar behavior. He finally reveals that he listened to her tape and cannot deal with the idea that she might love him. Felicity consults the magazine article and tries to get him back. She agrees to be less intense, but suddenly breaks up with Ben because she feels that he expects her to be someone else. She deals with her pain by getting a very short hair cut. Julie throws a big party (with cover charge) at the loft. Elena tries to help Noel get a girl's phone number.
Sunday, October 10th, 1999
3: Ancient History
Felicity rearranges her work schedule to avoid Ben. While looking over the course catalog with freshman advisee Ruby, Felicity laments the fact that she is no longer able to pursue her interest in art. She impulsively drops her pre-med courses and signs up for drawing. Felicity winds up in the same class as Noel, who continues to hate her guts. He accuses her of ruining his chances of hooking up with a classmate, unaware that the woman's lack of interest stems from the fact that she is gay. Ruby turns to Noel for advice about a computer problem. He snaps at her because of her association with Felicity, but they later find that they have a lot in common. Noel defends Felicity when the professor and other students harshly criticize her work. Although discouraged by the experience, Felicity decides not to leave the class. Ben and Sean interview new roommates as Julie prepares to move out. When her new place falls through, they ask her to stay.
Sunday, October 17th, 1999
4: The Depths
Felicity hears a rumor that Julie has written and performed a vicious song about her. They end up stuck in the same car for several hours after the subway breaks down. The other passengers overhear their sniping and get involved in their argument. An older man forces them to realize that they were never really as good friends as they believed. Noel and Ruby begin dating. Sean invents a condiment called ""smoothaise"" that he believes will make him rich. Ben meets a pushy caterer.
Sunday, October 24th, 1999
5: Crash
Professor Sherman tries to set up Felicity with her son, who is several years older. Julie suggests that it might be a good idea to date a guy without worrying about the prospect of a long-term relationship. David turns out to be a petulant jerk, and Felicity storms out in the middle of dinner. He apologizes and asks for another chance, so she decides to date him. Ben and Maggie start sleeping together. Noel and Elena obsess over a video game.
Sunday, November 7th, 1999
6: The Love Bug
A mono epidemic hits the campus. After Meghan gets sick, Felicity tries to avoid the bug by staying with Elena and Noel. Felicity frets about the fact that David has yet to kiss her. Noel accidentally says Felicity's name while kissing Ruby. Ruby is furious to discover that Noel and Felicity hadn't told her the truth about their past relationship. A stranger offers Ruby a business card, claiming to be a movie producer. She follows up on the lead and ends up getting a major role in a Tom Cruise movie. Ruby sleeps with Noel before departing for several weeks. Ben finds out that Maggie is married.
Sunday, November 14th, 1999
7: Getting Lucky
Felicity takes in a stray dog, but has trouble finding a place for it to stay. Elena believes that Felicity is using the dog as an excuse to not have sex with David. Lucky is diagnosed with distemper and has to be put to sleep. Felicity sleeps with David. Ben meets Maggie's husband when he comes to Dean & DeLuca to buy food for their anniversary party. Sean continues to fawn over Julie.
Sunday, November 21st, 1999
8: Family Affairs
Felicity's parents arrive unexpectedly for Thanksgiving. She is afraid to tell them about all of the recent changes she has made in her life. The Porters, David and Professor Sherman all end up getting invited to dinner at Noel and Elena's apartment. Meghan shows up in the hopes of seeing everyone get into a fight. Felicity fears that David is becoming too serious about their relationship. Felicity and Noel get drunk from Professor Sherman's punch. They go to his room and reminisce about their kiss the previous Thanksgiving. Professor Sherman walks in on them kissing. An ugly scene develops, leaving Meghan delighted. Felicity breaks up with David. Javier recruits Ben, Julie and Sean to help him cater the Sherwoods' anniversary party. Maggie introduces her husband to Ben, ""the guy I've been sleeping with."" Ben realizes that Maggie was just using him to get back at her cheating husband. Sean and Julie console him as they dine on ""tofurkey."" Meghan forgets a promise to serve dinner to
Sunday, December 19th, 1999
9: Portraits
In the aftermath of their kiss, Felicity gets all hot and bothered about Noel. She continually dreams about him. They team up for the group portion of their final project in art class, and fear that Professor Sherman will not be able to give them an unbiased critique because she hates them. Felicity and Noel spend a lot of time together, and she cannot stop thinking about him. The situation becomes more complicated when Ruby returns from Los Angeles. After much soul searching, Felicity approaches Noel with the suggestion that they get back together. Noel decides that it isn't a good idea; he recalls how badly their first attempt at a relationship ended, and thinks it would be better to commit himself to Ruby. However, Noel and Felicity nearly kiss while working on their assignment, and he begins to re-consider his decision. Ruby must return to Los Angeles for more work on the movie, and gives Noel a ticket so that he can come with her. She suspects that Noel still has feelings f
Sunday, January 16th, 2000
10: Great Expectations (1)
Felicity's father accompanies her back to New York, where he is scheduled to work with the university. She grows tired of his constant intrusions, and panics when he announces that he may take a full-time job as a professor of surgery. Dr. Porter sends Felicity reeling with the news that he and her mother are separated. Ben and Felicity begin working the same shifts at Dean & DeLuca. Ben tells Sean that he was wrong to take his advice about not getting into a relationship with Felicity. Depressed after the university cuts the swim program, Ben convinces her to join him in blowing off some steam. They buy beer with his fake I.D. and break into the campus pool. They get caught by campus security and face expulsion. Julie rejects Erik's advances. However, he assures her that he truly cares about her music. She begins recording her demo, but learns from a technician that Erik has a reputation for preying on young singers. Ben advises Sean to tell Julie how he feels about her. Sean cann
Sunday, January 23rd, 2000
11: Help for the Lovelorn
In a special black and white episode patterned after The Twilight Zone, a mysterious customer offers Felicity advice on how to ease her constant heartache. Felicity visits a clinic, where she soon learns that the doctors use horrific methods to mend a broken heart. Felicity and her friends end up trapped in a small, bare room from which there is no escape. The contents of Meghan's box are revealed (for the purpose of this episode only).
Sunday, February 6th, 2000
12: The Slump (2)
Felicity and Ben are ordered to attend sessions with a counselor, who will help determine their punishment. Ben doesn't show up because he thinks the whole thing is stupid. Felicity gets caught in the middle of her parents' bickering when her mother comes for a visit. She learns that her mother married so young because she was pregnant with Felicity. Felicity blames herself for forcing her mother to give up all her dreams. She seriously considers Ben's suggestion that they chuck everything and take a trip to Vienna. Noel struggles to make up with Ruby after an argument. She reveals the real reason that she is upset: she may be pregnant. Elena gets a ""sexy new lab partner."" She fears that he will distract her from her studies.
Sunday, February 13th, 2000
13: Truth or Consequences
Felicity and Ben begin a community service assignment at the student health center. Felicity chooses that assignment because she wants to help others, while Ben just wants to be around Felicity. The head of the clinic, Greg, acts very rude and condescending toward them. He tries to get Felicity to convince Ben to leave because he is getting in the way. Ben quits, but Felicity decides to stick around because she enjoys working with the patients. Ruby learns that she is indeed pregnant, and plans to have an abortion. Ben finds out what is going on when he processes Ruby's file. He tries to see Noel and tell him that he has been in a similar situation, but Noel just orders him to butt out. Felicity doesn't know what to say when she sees Noel in the clinic's waiting room. Ruby cannot go through with the abortion, and runs out in tears. She decides to have the baby and raise it herself. Noel is terrified by the prospect of fatherhood. Felicity tries to calm him. Erik stands up f
Sunday, February 20th, 2000
14: True Colors
A panicked Noel distances himself from Ruby. Ben enrolls in Noel's philosophy section, at Dr. Pavone's urging. Ben tells Noel that he got a girl pregnant in high school, but didn't come through when she needed him. He urges Noel not to do anything that he will regret. Noel decides to take an active role in his child's life. The ultrasound reveals that Ruby is eight weeks pregnant; Noel realizes that he could not have been the father. Ruby confesses that she slept with a producer while she was away in Los Angeles working on the movie. She reminds Noel that they were not really a couple at the time, and pleads with him to give her another chance. Elena holds a party to re-paint the apartment. Everyone loudly discusses Noel's situation while he is trying to rest in his bedroom. Julie confides in Sean about the date rape, and admits that she never fully recovered. He advises her to seek counseling. Felicity tries to get Greg to be as understanding around the staff as he is with his patien
Sunday, February 27th, 2000
15: Things Change
Greg is in a bind when a doctor leaves the clinic just before it is to undergo an inspection. Felicity volunteers her father for the assignment. She discovers that Dr. Porter is taking anxiety pills, and that he quit his job at the hospital weeks earlier. Dr. Porter explains that he never wanted to take the job in the first place; he misses his wife desperately, and hoped that she would ask him to come home. Noel tells Ruby that he cannot get over the fact that she is carrying someone else's child. He offers his friendship. Tracy annoys Elena with his cockiness as they prepare for an exam. After they both receive outstanding scores, Elena agrees to go out with him. Ben continues to mope about Felicity's close working relationship with Greg. He reluctantly goes on a date, but cannot stop thinking about Felicity. He goes to the clinic to share his feelings. He finds Felicity and Greg talking and laughing as they celebrate the clinic's high marks on the inspection. Dejected, Ben walks awa
Wednesday, April 5th, 2000
16: Revolutions
Julie has difficulty sleeping because of nightmares about Zach. Felicity recommends that she talk to someone, but Julie doesn't feel she is ready. A student visits the clinic to obtain the morning-after pill, only to discover that the university will no longer distribute it. An outraged Felicity turns to Greg, who cannot take any action because he fears losing the little support the clinic has. Felicity organizes a sit-in, which freshman advisee Burkey helps turn into a major protest. Felicity wants to call the whole thing off after Greg gets in trouble, but the others refuse to leave. Dr. Porter is brought in to convince Felicity to give up. She refuses, and Greg decides to join the demonstration. When Felicity chokes during a television interview, Julie steps up and delivers an impassioned speech about the pill's importance to rape victims. The university is touched by her words and reverses its position. Felicity kisses Greg during the celebration. Noel helps Ben study for an upcomi
Wednesday, April 12th, 2000
17: Docuventary II
Sean, with help from Richard, resumes his documentary film project. The duo annoys Felicity and Ben by hounding them as they complete their community service. Felicity takes a paid job as Greg's assistant. She is furious to discover that Greg helped her get the job because he is attracted to her; a more deserving colleague was passed over, and must now leave the clinic. Felicity quits, but Greg persuades her to return. She takes a volunteer position. While working in the records office, Ben snoops in Greg's file and discovers that he was busted for cocaine possession. Noel convinces him to keep the information under wraps for the time being. After Sean and Richard show him footage of Felicity and Greg on a date, Ben goes to the clinic and threatens Greg. Greg shares the truth with Felicity and assures her that he has been clean for years. Felicity angrily confronts Ben, who points out that she read his file a year earlier. She attributes her behavior to the fact that she was in love wi
Wednesday, April 19th, 2000
18: Party Lines
Sean follows Ben and Felicity with his camera and pesters them to admit their attraction. Greg asks Felicity to manage his campaign for student council president. Felicity is alarmed to discover that she disagrees with Greg's position on virtually every issue. She finds that her views are more in line with her friend Leila's campaign. After Leila's fear of public speaking leaves her ill, Felicity reads her speech to the students. Leila drops out of the race, but urges Felicity to run in her place. Hoping to show Felicity that he has some direction, Ben takes an internship on Wall Street. He spends all of his time babysitting a broker's visiting son. They bond while playing basketball, but the boy hurts his finger. Ben comforts the child as Greg tends to the injury, and Felicity is very impressed. Felicity, with encouragement from Ben, decides to run for student council president. Greg throws a fit and breaks their date to the Sadie Hawkins dance. He later shows up and apologizes. Felic
Wednesday, April 26th, 2000
19: Running Mates
Ben catches Andre, a jerk who hangs around with Greg, defacing Felicity's campaign posters. Greg denies that his friend would do such a thing. All of the candidates start acting very immature and sabotaging each other's campaigns. After all of Felicity's posters are stolen from her room, she and Ben break into Andre's room. They discover that he has pilfered materials from all of Greg's competitors. Greg rubs his relationship with Felicity in Ben's face. An angry Ben tells Richard about Greg's drug arrest. Richard plasters fliers around the campus, and Greg is placed under scrutiny during a Q&A with students. Ben agonizes over whether to tell Felicity what he has done. Richard and a female student are elected co-presidents. Richard tells Felicity that he owes his victory to Ben. Felicity suddenly reverses her position and decides to join Greg on a weekend getaway. Ben learns their destination from Meghan and tries desperately to catch up to them. Ruby returns from Colorado after reveal
Wednesday, May 3rd, 2000
20: Ben Was Here
Ben waits outside the cabin for several hours until he can talk to Felicity alone. She refuses to hear him out and slams the door in his face, declaring that she no longer wants him in her life. Felicity becomes distracted, so she and Greg have to cut their weekend short. Tracy and a friend volunteer to remove the wallpaper from Elena's apartment and finish painting so that she won't lose the security deposit. They inadvertently use toxic chemicals, so Noel and Elena have to stay at the loft until the damage can be repaired. A pipe bursts in Felicity and Meghan's room, forcing the students to sleep in the cafeteria. Felicity, Meghan and Ruby end up moving into the loft. At Javier's urging, Felicity decides to forgive Ben. Meghan convinces Ben that Felicity still has feelings for him. He crashes her date with Greg and pleads for another chance. Felicity insists that Ben doesn't sincerely want to be in a relationship with her. Greg punches out Ben. Felicity races to Ben's aid, but then l
Wednesday, May 10th, 2000
21: The Aretha Theory
Greg dumps Felicity because she is still hung up on Ben. Felicity convinces Meghan to take Julie, Elena and her out to a club to distract them from their problems with men. They all have a great time. Javier plans to propose to Samuel, and enlists Ben's help in picking out an engagement ring. Javier brings Ben to the club and forces Felicity and him to talk things over. Meghan interrupts the conversation and takes Felicity to a friend's market. When Greg enters the store, Meghan approaches and explains the reason for her crush on him. He was her first love in elementary school, as they were ""married"" in a sandbox in first grade. After Greg declines to date her, Meghan asks Felicity to return her earlier favor by taking her out somewhere. They agree that they can survive without men. The conversation prompts Felicity to leave Ben a drunken message in which she suggests that they cease all contact. The next morning, she has a change of heart and decides that she is now strong enough to h
Wednesday, May 17th, 2000
22: Final Answer
Felicity and Ben try to avoid one another until the end of finals, but cannot keep their hands off each other. They plan to spend the summer together in Palo Alto, where Ben has taken a construction job to pay for his tuition. Felicity's art history professor mentions the possibility of an internship at a museum, provided that she performs well on the final. Ben rents a hotel room to unwind after completing his finals. Felicity joins him, although she has yet to take her art history exam. They lose track of time while making out naked, and Felicity misses her final. Ben secretly tracks down the professor and takes responsibility for Felicity's absence. Professor Morton agrees to give Felicity one day to complete a take-home essay. Ben helps her complete the paper overnight; she gets an A and is offered the internship. Julie agrees to a date with Sean, who begins obsessing over every detail. Ruby reveals that Wade has asked her to marry him, and plans to accept for the good of her child
Wednesday, May 24th, 2000
23: The Biggest Deal There Is
Felicity turns down the internship so that she can spend the summer with Ben. Dr. Pavone warns that she may be passing up a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity. Felicity reveals that her parents may get back together. Felicity and Ben have a misunderstanding as she reconsiders her decision. Ben doesn't think Felicity wants to spend time with him, while she feels that he is pushing her away. Felicity tells Professor Morton that she wants the internship, but she has already offered it to a grad student. Javier and Samuel prepare for their wedding. ""Best man"" Felicity makes thinly veiled references to Ben in her rehearsal dinner toast, leading to an argument. They go into Ben's room and have sex. Before the wedding, Felicity learns that the internship is available after all. She takes the position, and she and Ben vow to make their relationship work. They declare their love before he leaves for Palo Alto. Javier's cousin Natalie, an attractive girl with a major attitude, comes to town for the
Season 3
Wednesday, October 4th, 2000
1: The Christening
Javier tells Felicity that a friend is giving away his furniture before moving out of state. She goes to the man's apartment and falls in love with the place. She decides that it would be romantic to live there with Ben. Felicity rents the apartment before Ben has even returned to New York. He agrees to live with her, but discovers that the apartment is a ""hell hole"" with major plumbing and electrical problems and a roach infestation. Felicity is so excited that he cannot bear to tell her how he feels. Felicity grows wary of their downstairs neighbor, a beautiful dancer. She is furious when Ben reluctantly allows the woman to use their living room tub. Ben later apologizes and promises to try harder to make the arrangement work. Felicity reveals that she has given up the apartment, but they discuss plans to live together after graduation. Meghan takes Felicity's place in a student apartment with Elena, Julie and a new student. (""She's British. That's all we know."") Sean is asked to tur
Wednesday, October 11th, 2000
2: The Anti-Natalie Intervention
After learning of Noel's marriage, Richard organizes an intervention in the hopes of convincing him to leave Natalie. Noel is offended, and orders his friends to stay away from him. Felicity visits his apartment to apologize. She says that it is difficult to deal with how much he has changed, and recalls all his goals for the future. However, she gives her blessing and organizes a party for the couple. Natalie finds one of Richard's fliers about the intervention and storms out. Noel realizes that he must divorce Natalie and resume his life. When Natalie comes home and learns his plans, she punches him in the eye. Sean offers to let Noel move into the loft. Natalie apologizes and agrees to the annulment, but she and Noel end up having sex. Ben's father comes to town, seeking to make amends as part of a twelve-step program. He invites Ben and Felicity to a Yankees game, but never shows up. Julie refuses to answer questions about her father. Elena tells Finn that she doesn't
Wednesday, October 18th, 2000
3: Hello, I Must Be Going
Ben's mother calls and tells him that his father has been missing for several days. She asks him to file a missing persons report. Ben refuses to open up to Felicity, who hears about the situation from Julie. An angry Ben insists that he will not help look for his father; this is not the first time he has disappeared, and Ben is tired of dealing with him. Julie goes behind his back to file a police report, and learns that Mr. Covington is being hospitalized with alcohol poisoning. Julie explains that she feared Ben would not be able to live with the consequences if something happened to his father. Ben is furious with Julie, while Felicity tries to comfort her about her birth father. Julie finally blows up and reveals that she was a match for her father, but lied about it and did nothing to help him. Ben visits his dad in the hospital; he recovers and prepares to go home. Ben and Felicity return to her apartment to find that Julie has moved out. She left behind a videotape in which she
Wednesday, October 25th, 2000
4: Greeks and Geeks
Felicity lies to Mrs. Emrick about Julie's whereabouts. After finding drugs in Julie's closet, she decides to tell the Emricks the truth. Mrs. Emrick blames Felicity for not looking after her daughter. Overcome with guilt and anxiety, Felicity bombs her midterms. Meghan tries to cheer her up by taking her to a frat party. Meghan and Molly convince Felicity to play strip ping-pong, but then leave her alone. She has too many Jell-O shots and wakes up naked in a frat guy's bed. She cannot remember what happened. Julie calls and says that she is okay. Ben helps Javier study for his citizenship test. Ben does not plan on voting, but changes his mind after Javier lectures him about the privilege of being a citizen. Noel applies for a job with the campus computer center. Tracy tries to help him practice for his tryout by sabotaging his old laptop, unaware that Elena had used it to write her political science paper. Noel must save the day when the arrogant head tech cannot fix the problem. Meg
Wednesday, November 1st, 2000
5: Surprise
Felicity tries desperately to track down Randy and find out what happened between them. During a service call, Noel stumbles across a mass E-mail from the fraternity that includes a naked photo of Felicity and Randy. Noel warns Felicity and advises her to keep the matter quiet until after the surprise birthday party that Ben has organized for her. Richard and Molly inadvertently expose Felicity's secret during the party. Ben storms over the the fraternity house, and Randy's buddies tell him that Randy and Felicity slept together. Randy assures Felicity that they did not have sex; she passed out, so he put her to bed. Ben feels betrayed and refuses to accept Felicity's denial. Sean consults a doctor about swelling in one of his testicles. He insists that it is just an infection, and is reluctant to tell Meghan about his problem. She finally convinces Sean to return to the doctor. He learns that he must undergo surgery to determine if the mass is malignant. Everyone is surprised when Ric
Wednesday, November 8th, 2000
6: One Ball, Two Strikes
Felicity asks Randy to talk to Ben and confirm that she didn't have sex with him. A drunken Ben repeatedly punches Randy, sending him to the hospital. Sean confronts Ben about his self-destructive behavior. He tries to convince Ben to attend an art show where Felicity has a work on display. Ben surprises Felicity by purchasing her painting. He tells her that he wants to resume their relationship, as she is the only person he can trust. As Ben leaves the loft, Randy has his frat buddies ambush him and give him a beating. Sean's blood work suggests that he has cancer; doctors must remove the affected testicle and check some lymph nodes to see if the disease has spread. He ignores the doctors and pretends that he is okay. Meghan learns the truth and persuades him to face his problem. Richard tells Noel that he is not gay. He discloses that he is a virgin, and has never kissed anyone. Molly kisses him, but tells him they are only friends. Elena agrees to help Tracy with a group project whi
Wednesday, November 15th, 2000
7: Kissing Mr. Covington
After learning of Ben's injuries, Mr. Covington returns to town with the hopes of reconciling with his son. He seeks Felicity's help after Ben refuses to see him. Mr. Covington breaks down in tears as he describes the way his life has crumbled. When Felicity tries to comfort him, he kisses her. Ben begins to warm to his father, until he notes Felicity's discomfort and realizes that something happened. Mr. Covington confesses, and Ben orders him to leave. Felicity encourages Ben to attend Al-Anon meetings to deal with his feelings about his father. He is surprised to see Molly at a meeting. Sean devotes himself to the Jewish faith to fulfill a promise he made to God before his surgery. He breaks up with Meghan for refusing to convert to Judaism. His hospital roommate, a rabbi, convinces him that he has made a mistake. After Dr. McGrath is accused of sexual harassment, a list circulates with the names of students he dated--including Elena. Tracy confronts her, but quickly gets over it. W
Wednesday, November 22nd, 2000
8: A Good Egg
Javier and Samuel decide to become parents. Javier asks Felicity to donate an egg, which would be implanted into his aunt. Felicity agrees, but changes her mind after Ben adamantly states his opposition. Felicity poses as Javier's wife during an interview with a potential donor. The woman backs out after discovering that the child would actually have two fathers. Felicity tells Ben that she has come to appreciate his viewpoint; she cannot deal with the idea of watching someone else raise her biological child. During an Al-Anon meeting, Molly speaks of her struggle to break free from an addict boyfriend. Ben confronts her and asks if the drugs discovered in Julie's closet were hers. She denies this, but later comes clean during a meeting. However, Ben cannot share any of her revelations with Felicity because of the confidential nature of the group. Jane angrily rejects Noel after he confesses to stalking her. Overcome with despair, she sleeps with an old friend--Richard. Elena tries des
Wednesday, November 29th, 2000
9: James and the Giant Piece
Ben encourages Molly to break up with James. She instead invites him to move into the girls' apartment for a while. Molly insists that James has agreed to join her in seeking treatment. James persuades Molly to skip her meeting to get high with him and cuts off her hair. Ben accidentally stumbles upon a gun with James' belongings. He tells Felicity about Molly's problems. Ben and Felicity confront Molly and proclaim that James cannot stay. Ben (without Felicity's consent) also declares that Molly must either stop using drugs or leave. She angrily moves out. A student files harassment charges against Dr. McGrath, and asks Elena to testify. Elena learns that McGrath invented a story about a sick ex-wife to get girls to sleep with him. Elena realizes that the undeserved grade in McGrath's seminar cleared the way for her to take certain advanced classes. She concludes that she is a complete fraud. Tracy, at Felicity's urging, gives Elena a pep talk and stresses that she is one of the smart
Wednesday, December 6th, 2000
10: Final Touches (a.k.a. Let's Get It On)
Molly apologizes to Felicity and Ben, but James forbids them from speaking to her. Molly moves back to the apartment after a dazed James pulls a gun on her. James shows up and demands that she leave with him. Ben manages to calm him and convince him to leave. Molly plans to break up with James, and meets him on the street. He talks her into staying with him. Felicity learns that she is still registered for a philosophy class that she thought she had dropped. Meghan never sent in the card to the registrar's office. Felicity must get an A on the final to pass the class. Noel calls on her to help him with an extensive presentation for a web site that is interested in their cartoon. He lashes out at her for her lack of enthusiasm, until Ben explains her plight. In order to help Felicity focus on her final, Noel pretends that he got an extension on the presentation. He helps her cram for the test, as he had worked as a teaching assistant in that class the previous year. Despite her exhausti
Wednesday, December 13th, 2000
11: And to All a Good Night
James persistently tries to call Molly, who has broken up with him and returned to rehab. When he finally gets a hold of her, she tells him they are through and hangs up. James waits for her outside her apartment and gets into an argument with Ben. Felicity's mother (now using her maiden name, Barbara Hunter) arrives for a visit. She takes an instant dislike to Ben when she overhears him ranting about James. Sean and Richard buy a bunch of Christmas trees, hoping to sell them for a major profit. They recruit Ben to help them pick up the trees. He then shows up late for a play he was to attend with Felicity and her mom, and has forgotten the tickets. Noel joins Ben, Felicity and Barbara for dinner. He impresses Barbara by prattling on about his goals, while Ben has nothing to say when she grills him about his future. Barbara dismisses Ben as a loser with violent tendencies and questionable friends (i.e. Molly). She advises Felicity to dump Ben for Noel, whom she considers to be just abo
Wednesday, April 18th, 2001
12: Girlfight
Elena is wounded in the shoulder; but the only person to sustain serious injuries in the shooting is some girl that no one had ever seen before. Ben accompanies Avery in the ambulance and urges her to fight for her life. She flatlines for a moment, but the paramedics are able to revive her. Avery eventually recovers from her injuries. She showers Ben with expensive gifts and fully admits to a romantic interest in him, much to Felicity's dismay. Noel becomes extremely depressed after the shooting. He cheers up a little after sleeping with Avery. Elena signs up for a self-defense class in the hopes of regaining her self-confidence, and frightens Felicity with her aggressive behavior. Felicity refuses to accompany Elena to the class, but changes her mind when Avery decides to attend. Felicity enjoys the tremendous satisfaction of getting to flip Avery in the air and slam her to the ground. Tracy returns from Africa a month early. Elena learns that he is dating someone he met on
Wednesday, April 25th, 2001
13: Blackout
The gang gathers at the apartment to watch ""Docuventary,"" but a storm knocks out the power. Sean uses an alternate power source to screen the film, much to everyone's dismay. Felicity worries after learning that Ben failed to tell her about his academic problems, choosing instead to confide in Avery. An angry Ben goes home. Noel shows Felicity a clip from Sean's film in which Ben talked about his love for her. She heads to the loft to apologize, but is furious to find him with Avery. Although he insists that nothing was going on, she refuses to talk to him. Avery asks Ben to join her for a weekend at her family's cabin. Meghan's old friend Chris, who plans to marry soon, comes to visit. They once had a lesbian encounter, and Chris attempts to gauge Meghan's feelings for her. Sean catches them in a near-kiss, and fumes about the fact that Meghan never told him the truth about their relationship. Meghan realizes that she really loves Sean, and tells Chris that she is heterosex
Wednesday, May 2nd, 2001
14: The Break-Up Kit
Felicity agrees to give Ben some space to sort out his feelings. Avery convinces him to come to her cabin and hang out with her friends. Avery kisses Ben. Meghan shares his whereabouts with Felicity. She later warns Ben not to hurt Felicity because she loves her ""like she was my weird, spastic little baby sister."" Noel tries to console Felicity, but she fears that she gave up on Ben too easily. She determines that she must go to Southampton to talk with him. Felicity makes it clear that she loves Ben and wants to work through their problems together, but he remains confused. Ben realizes that Avery doesn't really understand him after she offers sympathy over a hard-earned B-minus, when he had actually been proud of the grade. He seeks out Felicity and apologizes, just as Noel was trying to make a move on her. Sean belittles Meghan for holding a seance. She pretends to contact his dead grandmother. He finds this insulting and tries to get revenge, but Meghan stays one step a
Wednesday, May 9th, 2001
15: Senioritis
Avery leads Noel to believe that she slept with Ben. Noel gets the Seattle job, and asks Felicity to work as his assistant for the summer. Noel and Felicity trash the library as an idiotic prank, much to Richard's dismay. Avery is hospitalized after taking too many pills. Her roommate suggests that Ben is to blame because he didn't return her phone calls. Avery continues to rely on Ben. Ben confronts Noel about his attitude. Felicity overhears Noel accuse Ben of cheating on her. Ben denies this; he says that Avery kissed him, but it was meaningless. He points out that Noel is obviously trying to break them up. Ben asks Avery to confide in her friends and seek professional help, as he can no longer support her. Noel tells Felicity how much they will miss each other after he leaves. He kisses her. Meghan supports Sean's decision to have a bar mitzvah, until she meets the attractive female rabbi. She concludes that they should break up because they have nothing in common. S
Wednesday, May 16th, 2001
16: It's Raining Men
Noel apologizes to Felicity and suggests that they forget about the kiss. Felicity believes that their friendship is a lie, as he has actually been pining for her the entire time. Ben and Felicity reaffirm their relationship. Javier is hospitalized after suffering chest pains. He must undergo observation for a few days as a precautionary measure, and asks Felicity to run Dean & DeLuca. Ben is the only employee willing to take on extra shifts, so she turns to a reluctant Noel for help. A broken steamer creates chaos in the shop. After Ben's summer internship falls through, Felicity decides to accept Noel's job offer. Ben tells Noel that he is going to accompany Felicity to Seattle, and tries to make peace. Noel goes behind his back to Felicity and rescinds the offer because he doesn't want Ben around. Ben and Noel get into a fight. Javier recommends that Felicity keep her relationships with the guys separate instead of expecting them to be friends. Noel fears that he won't g
Wednesday, May 23rd, 2001
17: The Last Summer Ever
Felicity and Ben plan to spend the summer camping. She and Noel argue after he refuses to accept a graduation gift from her. Dr. Pavone tries to get Felicity to admit that her friendship with Noel is over. Ruby comes for a visit with her daughter, Eva. She hopes to rekindle her relationship with Noel, but soon deduces that he is hung up on Felicity. Noel leaves Felicity a box of items symbolizing their time together, as well as a tape in which he says goodbye. Ben learns that he has been accepted to an intensive EMT training program in Kansas City. He had applied after becoming inspired by the paramedics' efforts to save Avery. He initially turns down the offer so that he can spend time with Felicity, but she encourages him to pursue the opportunity. They agree to spend yet another summer apart, and Felicity moves into the loft. Noel shows up after his Seattle job falls through because of the collapse of the Internet job market. Sean objects to Meghan's plans to spend anothe
Season 4
Wednesday, October 10th, 2001
1: The Declaration
As the summer comes to an end, Felicity's father begins nagging her about her future. She hopes to prove that she has a future in her major by gaining admission to the honors art program. Ben returns from the EMT training session and announces that he wants to become a doctor. He signs up for a heavy course-load, and realizes that he will have to stay in school a fifth year to finish his pre-med requirements. Felicity is put off by Ben's sudden sense of purpose, as she expected him to be just as aimless as she is. She begins turning to the jobless Noel for support. Felicity's father comes to town and accuses her of wasting her college years. She becomes furious at his interference and decides to pay for her final year of college herself. She immediately files papers to declare her independence. Felicity shows up late for work while dealing with her crisis, forcing Ben to cover for her. He then arrives late to his first organic chemistry lecture, where the professor locks him
Wednesday, October 17th, 2001
2: My Best Friend's Wedding
Felicity feels extremely guilty after having sex with Noel. She seeks Dr. Pavone's advice on whether she should tell Ben. Dr. Pavone theorizes that she wants to have both guys. Felicity hears an answering machine message for Ben in which a girl talks about ""their"" motel room. She confronts Ben, who explains that the girl was a study partner from the EMT training who tried to make a pass at him. He reminds Felicity that he already told her about the incident. He realizes that something is wrong, and tries to console Felicity about her uncertain future. Although he offers his support, she dumps him again. Richard discovers the truth about Felicity and Noel. Elena and Tracy ask Felicity to perform their wedding ceremony. Elena is perplexed when Tracy suddenly seems interested in sleeping together before the wedding. Sean, still fuming over Meghan's inclusion of Tracy on her ""list,"" bets that she could not even get a kiss for him. She tries and fails, leading to a confrontation
Wednesday, October 24th, 2001
3: Your Money or Your Wife
Ben and Felicity get back together. She confesses her fling with Noel to Javier, who promises, ""My lips are like glue sticks."" Felicity learns that she cannot get financial aid because all of the available funds have been distributed. She tries to apply for a scholarship, only to find that it no longer exists. Javier suggests that she enter a beauty pageant, but she is reluctant. Noel receives $50,000 for staying married to Natalie for a year. He doesn't really want anything to do with the money. Felicity turns him down when he offers to help with her tuition. She considers pleading with her father for help, but decides to do things on her own--even if it means entering the pageant. Sean experiences financial problems and faces eviction. Meghan goes against his wishes by arranging to have dinner with their parents. Sean upsets his father by suggesting that he will do something embarrassing. Mr. Blumberg refuses to attend. Meghan gets the event rescheduled as a brunch, and
Wednesday, October 31st, 2001
4: Miss Conception
Javier helps Felicity prepare for the beauty pageant. She befriends an aspiring singer, but has several run-ins with a bitchy contestant named Denise. Felicity asks her friends not to attend the pageant because she doesn't want them to see her in such an embarrassing situation. Noel lands a job as UNY's counselor, where he helps Ben with a registration problem. Felicity takes a pregnancy test, which turns out positive. She doesn't tell anyone but Elena, who recommends she go to the clinic for a blood test. Felicity eventually tells Noel that he might be the father of her child. Elena witnesses the awkwardness between Felicity and Noel and figures out what is going on. Ben sees a receipt for the blood test on Felicity's desk. He discovers that Noel already knew of Felicity's possible pregnancy, and goes to her for some answers. She claims that she was afraid of adding to Ben's problems. She agrees to let him stay and support her during the pageant. Felicity wins the evening
Wednesday, November 7th, 2001
5: Boooz
Ben and Trevor fail their organic chemistry midterm. They are upset because the test included an entire section on a topic that Professor Hodges had specifically said would not be included. They ask for a chance to re-take the test. Ben insults the professor after he belittles them. Hodges responds by throwing both Ben and Trevor out of the class. They go out drinking. Trevor continues to drink after they arrive at Felicity and Elena's Halloween party. He collapses with alcohol poisoning, and Ben calls an ambulance. Ben tells Hodges that Trevor is in a coma. He suggests that it wouldn't have happened if Hodges were a little more understanding. Hodges goes to the hospital to check on Trevor, who has begun to recover. He agrees that he isn't very helpful to his students, and asks Ben and Trevor to return to class. T.A. Felicity takes over some classes after the professor is arrested for shoplifting. Felicity's students constantly mock her and accuse her of selling out after
Wednesday, November 14th, 2001
6: Oops...Noel Did It Again
Ben learns that his father is being hospitalized with liver failure. He reluctantly goes to the hospital and meets Lauren, a friend of Mr. Covington's from A.A. She tells Ben that his father does not have long to live. Mr. Covington gives Ben power of attorney, and declares that he does not want to be hooked up to machines. He also insists that he will not take any pain medication because he has been sober for 67 days and does not want to use drugs of any kind. Ben postpones a ski trip that he and Felicity had planned for her birthday after his father's condition worsens. Ben is surprised to learn that Mr. Covington was very helpful to Lauren when he served as her sponsor. She says that his dad talks about Ben all the time. Ben goes against his father's wishes and puts him on a ventilator because there is a slim chance that he could regain enough strength to undergo a transplant. Felicity suspects that Professor Cavallo is coming on to her. He denies this, but she grows uneas
Wednesday, November 21st, 2001
7: The Storm
Ben refuses to talk to Felicity, and will only go near her to retrieve his belongings. Felicity drops by the loft in the middle of the night to leave him a note. Ben's mother flies in to visit his dad. She announces that Mr. Covington has shown enough improvement to be placed on the transplant list again. Ben is stunned to learn that his parents are getting back together. He is not angry, but worries that his father will continue to hurt his mother. Meghan comforts a devastated Felicity, and assures her that she and Ben belong together. Meghan lashes out at Ben for not even listening to Felicity's apology. Sean takes Meghan's support of Felicity as a sign that she has no problem with cheating, but she reminds Sean that the situation has nothing to do with their marriage. Ben meets Felicity at a restaurant, but becomes uncomfortable as she tries to explain what happened with Noel. He runs out. He tells Sean that he wants to forgive Felicity, but just can't bring himself to do
Wednesday, November 28th, 2001
8: The Last Thanksgiving
Meghan tells Felicity that she has concocted a spell to reunite her with Ben. Sean wins a free turkey, but the gang must hold Thanksgiving dinner at Felicity's apartment because Sean has broken the oven. Meghan tries to coax Ben into coming to dinner, but he backs out after Sean explains the circumstances. Ben and Lauren visit Mr. Covington, who has shown tremendous improvement. Lauren convinces Ben to take her to the dinner because she doesn't want to spend Thanksgiving alone. Everyone is shocked to find that Ben has brought a date, although Felicity tries to act as though it doesn't bother her. Javier suggests that he is trying to get back at Felicity for cheating on him, but Ben denies this. Meghan behaves rudely toward Lauren and gets into an argument with Ben. Felicity tries to defend Ben, but he snaps that their relationship was a waste of time. He feels guilty about saying this and leaves. He later returns to apologize, and he and Felicity sleep together. He immediate
Wednesday, December 5th, 2001
9: Moving On
Ben defends Felicity against a rude customer at Dean & DeLuca. Felicity invites Ben to come over to the apartment to talk. He agrees, but quickly changes his mind and says that he wants to move on. Lauren moves to New York to get away from her ex-boyfriend and make a fresh start. Ben asks her on a date. Javier tries to play matchmaker by separately asking Felicity and Ben to meet him at a play. It proves to be a disaster, as Ben shows up with Lauren. Felicity gives her ticket to Lauren and leaves. Elena tries to convince Felicity to date Owen, a graduate teaching assistant in the art department. Felicity asks her friends to stop meddling in her life. Owen tells Felicity that she seems intense, and suggests that she have a little fun for a change. She asks him out. Lauren's ex-boyfriend calls while she is making out with Ben. Ben decides to leave, but makes another date with her. Ben shows up at the girls' apartment to study with Elena just as Owen arrives to pick up Felic
Wednesday, December 12th, 2001
10: Fire
Ben focuses all of his attention on studying as he prepares for his organic chemistry final. Felicity decides to follow his example and devote more time to her artwork. She seeks advice from Professor Cavallo on how to improve her work, and spends more time at the studio. Noel grudgingly takes his medication and continues to see a therapist. He considers starting his own graphics company. Felicity asks for Noel's advice about her art project. Noel decides to follow his therapist's recommendation and spend less time with Felicity. Ben grows angry with Trevor for inviting Elena to their study sessions, as they goof off all of the time. Felicity is working in the studio when the building catches on fire. She is unaware of this because the alarms do not sound, and becomes trapped. Noel extinguishes the flames near the door and pulls her outside. Ben and Trevor apologize for their argument and go to see Professor Hodges. They learn that Trevor passed the exam, while Ben scored 9
Wednesday, December 19th, 2001
11: A Perfect Match
Felicity is confused when Ben begins dropping by her apartment frequently. However, he is not ready to get back together. Mrs. Covington is a match for her husband, but he refuses to let her donate part of her liver. Mr. Covington urges Ben to consider forgiving Felicity, as he feels that love is the only thing that really matters. Felicity plans to fly home for Christmas vacation. Another match is found for Mr. Covington. Ben tries to talk to Felicity, but she has already left for the airport. A snowstorm delays her flight, so Ben catches up to her. They enjoy a blissful reunion, and Felicity stays in New York. Unfortunately, the snow prevents the liver for Ben's father from being flown in from Philadelphia. With Mr. Covington unconscious, Ben has power of attorney. He must decide whether to let his mother be a donor. He fears that his father will fall back into his abusive behavior patterns. He talks with Felicity about the need for second chances, and agrees to sign off
Wednesday, March 20th, 2002
12: Future Shock
As the spring semester begins, Lauren tells Ben that she is pregnant, and that he is the father. She is prepared to raise the child alone. Professor Hodges asks Ben and Trevor to act as research assistants for him. Trevor convinces Ben to take a paternity test. Ben becomes distracted while awaiting the test results, and forgets to check Hodges' experiment. Hodges decides to replace him. Ben learns that he is the father. He confronts Lauren about keeping the news from him for so long. Although he is torn, he feels that he cannot take part in the child's life. He gets a second chance from Hodges by assuring him that he has eliminated all distractions. Ben finally shares the truth about the pregnancy with a shocked Felicity. Felicity and Owen try unsuccessfully to get galleries to look at their work. Felicity's mother visits and announces that she is going to get her real-estate license. She encourages Felicity to follow the same path. Felicity frets over the fact that every
Wednesday, March 27th, 2002
13: Kiss and Tell
Mr. Covington learns of Lauren's pregnancy and criticizes the absentee father, unaware that it is Ben. When Ben tells him the truth, Mr. Covington tries to convince him to change his mind and be a part of the child's life. He even claims that his despair over Ben's choice has made him want to drink. Ben is furious at his father for manipulating him. Felicity has trouble dealing with the situation and avoids Ben. Ben and Trevor sign up for the Big Brother program in the hopes of improving their credentials for med school applications. After Felicity expresses an interest in architecture, Noel recommends that she help his friend Adam with a project. Adam spends most of the time whining about his ex-girlfriend. He tries to kiss Felicity at a party at the girls' dorm room. Meghan grows bored with life with Sean, while he becomes fed up with her insistence on criticizing his ideas. After a girl from the coffee stand compliments one of his potential inventions, Sean invites her to
Wednesday, April 3rd, 2002
14: Raising Arizona
Ben decides that he wants to play an active role in his child's life. Lauren is pleased; but has already made arrangements to move to Arizona to be near her parents. Ben talks to Professor Hodges about the possibility of transferring to the University of Arizona. Adam's design wins the contest, and Felicity accepts an offer to stay in New York and help with his project. Hodges tells Ben that the deadline for admission has passed, but his friend can pull some strings and get him accepted. He must make his final decision in the next day. Felicity is upset that Ben failed to tell her about his possible move. She tells Adam that she may have to turn down the job. Trevor convinces Ben that Noel is still trying to make a move on Felicity. A tearful Felicity confides in Noel about Ben's situation. Ben catches them in an embrace and becomes angry. He says that he wouldn't have slept with Lauren if Felicity hadn't cheated on him. They break up, and Felicity accepts the job with Adam
Wednesday, April 10th, 2002
15: The Paper Chase
Felicity worries that Ben is drifting away after she observes his reaction to a sonogram of his son. She has trouble concentrating as she works on a term paper for art history. The thirty-page paper is due the following day, but she has not even picked a topic. Meghan suggests that she just copy a dissertation from the library, and assures her that she could never get caught. Ben agrees to attend Lamaze classes with Lauren in the hopes of convincing her to stay in New York. Felicity becomes very depressed and decides to copy a paper. She fears that she is busted after the professor asks to speak with her. However, Professor Carnes instead tells Felicity that she loves the paper and has submitted it for publication. Meghan advises Felicity to destroy the dissertation and tell the professor that she doesn't want to be published. A library worker catches Felicity trying to throw out the book, but Meghan later cuts a deal with him and steals it. Professor Carnes informs Felicity
Wednesday, April 17th, 2002
16: Ben Don't Leave
Lauren comes by Dean & DeLuca to announce that she is leaving the next day and expects Ben to help her move. She snaps at Felicity and accuses Ben and her of selfishness. Felicity tries to confess her plagiarism, but Professor Carnes interrupts. She is so certain of Felicity's innocence that she has her hearing moved to the next day to get it out of the way. Felicity learns that Ben has been injured in a car accident. Lauren suffered minor injuries, and the baby was unharmed. Felicity overhears the doctor say that Lauren was driving while drunk. Lauren is released from the hospital and leaves while Ben is still in surgery. Felicity chases after her and lays into her. Lauren later returns and apologizes. She says that she let her problems overwhelm her and was trying to blame others for her mistakes. Felicity persuades Lauren to sleep over at her apartment. Ben wakes up and begins to recover. Felicity is pleased to find her friends in the waiting room, even though she had a
Wednesday, April 24th, 2002
17: The Graduate
Felicity is able to graduate because Professor Carnes fails her on the paper, but lets her pass the class. Ben asks Felicity to marry him, and she accepts. Ben receives a call in the middle of the night and learns that Lauren has gone into labor in Philadelphia. He catches a train and is present at the birth of his son, Andrew. Felicity's parents come to town for graduation. Her father rags on her for deciding to live with Ben in New York, and accuses her of always following Ben. Felicity angrily announces her engagement. Ben returns and admits that it was very difficult to leave his son. Lauren is still planning to move to Arizona, and he wants to follow. Felicity is still uncertain about joining him. Richard inadvertently blabs about Ben's child and the Arizona move to Felicity's father. Dr. Porter confronts Ben and expresses disapproval about the engagement (among other things). Felicity refuses to move to Arizona because she thinks that she should be more independent.
Wednesday, May 1st, 2002
18: Time Will Tell
Felicity becomes distant and withdrawn after Elena dies in a car accident. She pulls away from Ben. On the day that she receives an invitation to Noel and Zoe's wedding, she catches Ben kissing a Claire, the couple's friend and study partner. She breaks up with him and calls Meghan, who urges her to come to New York immediately. Ben later arrives for the wedding and apologizes, but admits that he was seeing Claire for a month. Felicity tells Meghan that she wishes she had gotten together with Noel. Meghan casts a spell that sends Felicity back in time to the night that she slept with Noel. This time, she quickly confesses to Ben. He wants to forgive her and move on, but she turns him down because she is hurt by what he did to her in the future. Felicity approaches Noel and says that she wants a relationship. He initially becomes confused and pushes her away, much to her surprise. However, he later says that he wants to be with her, and is just afraid that she will reject him
Wednesday, May 8th, 2002
19: The Power of the Ex
Felicity and Noel decide to stay away from their usual date locations so that they can avoid Ben. They go to a street fair and run into Noel's ex-girlfriend Hanna. She asks him to help put together a web site for her. Felicity is apprehensive, as she fears that Noel's old feelings will re-surface. However, she claims that she is not jealous and advises Noel to get some work experience by helping Hanna. Felicity enrolls in pre-med courses and gets her father to resume financial help. Ben is unhappy when she shows up in his organic chemistry class, but she cannot transfer to another section. Ben decides to give up on becoming a doctor after failing an exam. Felicity, who aced the test, offers to help him with the material. Noel is puzzled by Felicity's frantic behavior and strange comments. After learning that Hanna expressed a romantic interest in Noel, Felicity confronts her. Noel can no longer put up with Felicity's behavior, and suggests that it was wrong for them to get t
Wednesday, May 15th, 2002
20: Spin the Bottle
Ben questions Felicity's relationship with Noel and confidently predicts that she will soon try to win back Ben. Felicity and Noel decide to get an apartment together. Sean gets very excited about Julie's impending visit, and makes a lot of plans. He gives Ben the impression that Julie came to town specifically to see Sean. Ben learns that Julie is actually in town for an audition, and warns her of Sean's intentions. Sean is crushed to realize that Julie still doesn't have feelings for him. Julie makes a move on Ben. Felicity insists that she has no problem with this, while Sean is outraged. Felicity accuses Ben of using Julie to make her jealous. She tries to ""protect"" Julie by agreeing to a double date. Ben upsets Felicity at the restaurant by mentioning the brief time they lived together and the girl who used their bathtub. He laughs about the fact that Felicity was always worried that he would cheat, and ended up cheating on him. Sean runs into a devastated Meghan at a
Wednesday, May 22nd, 2002
21: Felicity Interrupted
Felicity tries to convince Noel that she wants to be with him. She finally tells him that she travelled through time for him. He becomes very worried about her mental health. Felicity again asks Meghan to undo the time travel spell. Meghan is still skeptical, but gives her a book. Ben decides to leave school and travel across the country with Julie. Noel shares his concerns about Felicity with Ben. Ben finds Felicity working on a spell. She confirms that she is a time traveller, and tries to prove it by telling him about his father's illness and Lauren. Ben and Noel determine that Felicity may be experiencing psychosis. She agrees to see a doctor, who places her in a psychiatric ward for observation. Felicity meets Zoe in the hospital. After she is able to provide details about Zoe's life without having previously met her, Felicity realizes that she is not crazy. She calls Ben, who still doesn't believe her. However, he then receives a call from Lauren about his father.
Wednesday, May 22nd, 2002
22: Back to the Future
Felicity blames herself for Noel's death because he had survived the fire in the original history. Meghan suggests that she go to Korsikoff and undo the spell. Felicity doubts that this will work, but is willing to try anything. She convinces Korsikoff that she successfully used one of his spells, and follows his request by bringing in personal items from all of her friends. She tells Korsikoff about her friends, her life in New York, and her romantic histories with Ben and Noel. Korsikoff opines that she actually returned to the past to let go of Noel. He burns the items and conducts the spell. Felicity is afraid to go to sleep that night. She wants to undo the damage she caused, but is afraid of losing Ben. Ben pleads with her to try to forgive him in the future, and apologizes in advance. He says that he cannot live without her. Felicity wakes up the night before Noel's wedding, surrounded by concerned friends. They report that she developed a high fever and became delus