Season 0
1: Willful Acts: The Making of Damages
2: Trust No One: Insight From The Creators Of Damages
A plot-centric Season 1 featurette that neatly dissects the twists and turns of Damages's story.
3: Jesus, Mary and Joe Cocker - Deleted Scene - Patty Wants A Dog
4: And My Paralyzing Fear of Death - Deleted Scene - Patty Chats With Bodyguard
5: She Spat At Me - Deleted Scene - Frobisher Watches His Son
6: We Are Not Animals - Deleted Scene - The Shayes Discuss Ellen
7: Do You Regret What We Did - Deleted Scene - Lila Takes A Bath
8: Do You Regret What We Did - Deleted Scene - Patty Works On Speech
9: I Hate These People - Deleted Scene - Discussing The Lila Problem
10: I Hate These People - Deleted Scene - The Shayes Video Chat
11: There's No 'We' Anymore - Deleted Scene - Nye Meets With The Feds
12: Because I Know Patty - Deleted Scene - Detectives Enter Patty's Lobby
13: Season 1 Recap - Part 1
14: Season 1 Recap - Part 2
15: Season 2: Character Profiles
16: Season 2: Post Mortem
20: I Lied, Too - Deleted Scene - Retirement Suits You
21: I Lied, Too - Deleted Scene - We're In The Wrong Line Of Work
22: Burn It, Shred It, I Don't Care - Deleted Scene - What Did Patty Have To Say
23: Burn It, Shred It, I Don't Care - Deleted Scene - Cops Always Think It's The Husband
24: Burn It, Shred It, I Don't Care - Deleted Scene - Let's Make Some Adjustments
25: I Knew You Were A Pig - Deleted Scene - Katie's New Boyfriend
26: I Knew You Were A Pig - Deleted Scene - Construction Site Photos
27: I Knew You Were A Pig - Deleted Scene - You Don't Get To Know Everything
28: I Knew You Were A Pig - Deleted Scene - Bugging Ellen's Room
29: Hey! Mr. Pibb! - Deleted Scene - Fill You In When I Get Back
30: New York Sucks - Deleted Scene - Kendrick Beraites Waiter
31: They Had To Tweeze That Out Of My Kidney - Deleted Scene - I Will Pary For Him
32: They Had To Tweeze That Out Of My Kidney - Deleted Scene - Be A Good Girl At School
33: They Had To Tweeze That Out Of My Kidney - Deleted Scene - Sell Your Stock In UNR
34: They Had To Tweeze That Out Of My Kidney - Deleted Scene - He Woke Up
35: They Had To Tweeze That Out Of My Kidney - Deleted Scene - It's My Fault
36: They Had To Tweeze That Out Of My Kidney - Deleted Scene - The Wedding Gift
37: Uh Oh, Out Come The Skeletons - Deleted Scene - Ellen In Bed With Wes
38: Uh Oh, Out Come The Skeletons - Deleted Scene - My Alarm Didn't Go Off
39: Uh Oh, Out Come The Skeletons - Deleted Scene - Pell Meets With Nye
40: Look What He Dug Up This Time - Deleted Scene - He Went To See Patty Hewes
41: Look What He Dug Up This Time - Deleted Scene - She's Too Smart, Too Lucky
42: Trust Me - Deleted Scene - Ms. Hewes Flew Me Up
43: Trust Me - Deleted Scene - You Knew This Was Coming
44: Trust Me - Deleted Scene - Don't Be Scared
45: Episode Introduction - Your Secrets Are Safe
46: Episode Introduction - The Dog Is Happier Without Her
47: Episode Introduction - Flight's at 11:08
48: Episode Introduction - Don't Throw That At The Kitchen
49: Episode Introduction - It's Not My Birthday
50: Deleted Scene - Joe Had Made His Decision
51: Deleted Scene - Patty Studies Tom's Financial Document
52: Deleted Scene - Two Men Grapple Over Toilet
53: Deleted Scene - Tom Wakes Up At Ellen's
54: Deleted Scene - Ellen Meets Alex At A Bar
55: Deleted Scene - Two Men Grapple Over Toilet Part 2
56: Deleted Scene - Winstone Tells Joe About Danielle
57: Deleted Scene - Ellen And Josh Eat Cupcakes And Talk
58: Episode Introduction - Don't Forget To Thank Mr. Zedeck
59: Episode Introduction - You Haven't Replaced Me
60: Episode Introduction - I Look Like Frankenstein
61: Episode Introduction - Drive It Through Hardcore
62: Deleted Scene - Barry Tells Tom He'd Kill For Him
63: Deleted Scene - Patty Is Friendly With Alex
64: Deleted Scene - Winstone Tries To Book A Flight
65: Deleted Scene - Ellen Checks In With Stan, Danielle's Super
66: Deleted Scene - Tom Questions Dr. Samuels About Carol
67: Season 3 Teaser
68: Episode Introduction - Tell Me I'm Not Racist
69: Episode Introduction - All That Crap About Your Family
70: Episode Introduction - You Were His Little Monkey
71: Episode Introduction - The Next One's Gonna Go In Your Throat
72: Deleted Scene - Marilyn And Kevin Turned Away At Restaurant
73: Deleted Scene - Winstone And Joe Discuss Matters; Marilyn Upset Over Carol
74: Deleted Scene - Ellen And Gates Meet With Carol
75: Deleted Scene - Jill And Michael Discuss Patty And The Baby
76: Deleted Scene - Perry Warns Ellen About Her Parking
77: Deleted Scene - Perry Returns Ellen's Key
78: Directing Damages
79: Sometimes You Just Get Damaged
80: Season 3: A Look Back
81: Season 2: I Lied, Too - Commentary with Rose Byrne, Timothy Olyphant, Glenn Kessler and Daniel Zelman
82: Season 2: Look What He Dug Up This Time - Commentary with Tate Donovan, Glenn Kessler, Daniel Zelman and Todd Kessler
83: Season 2: Trust Me - Commentary with Glenn Close, Glenn Kessler, Daniel Zelman and Todd Kessler
84: Class Action Cases: Agent Orange
85: Class Action Cases: Tobacco
Monday, January 18th, 2010
17: Season 3: Full Disclosure
Season 1
Tuesday, July 24th, 2007
1: Get Me A Lawyer
Attorney Patty Hewes hires a new associate, Ellen Parsons, to help her as she tries to ruin Arthur Frobisher. Hewes represents a group of employees that are suing Frobisher after he sold his company, leaving the employees devastated. Ellen is unaware that her best friend, Katie Connor, is working for Frobisher.
Tuesday, July 31st, 2007
2: Jesus, Mary And Joe Cocker
Ellen convinces Katie to testify against Arthur Frobisher, which has him considering drastic measures. Patty begins to question if Katie is giving honest and accurate testimony.
Tuesday, August 7th, 2007
3: And My Paralyzing Fear of Death
Patty receives a mysterious threat at her office that could destroy her case against Arthur Frobisher. Ellen continues to struggle with the demands of her new job at Hewes and Associates.
Tuesday, August 14th, 2007
4: Tastes Like a Ho-Ho
Katie is getting ready for her upcoming deposition in the Frobisher case while Gregory withholds information that could be even more important that Katie's.
Tuesday, August 21st, 2007
5: A Regular Earl Anthony
Tom Shayes considers his options as Patty continues to strain to keep her clients happy. Arthur tells Ray that he needs to put more pressure on Patty to make the case go away.
Tuesday, September 4th, 2007
6: She Spat At Me
Patty tries to find out what Gregory knows about the case. Arthur Frobisher tries a new strategy to save his family and his money. David and Ellen have strains on their relationship as Lila tries to reenter David's life.
Tuesday, September 11th, 2007
7: We Are Not Animals
Tom and Ellen think that Patty is trying to control them so they decide to make an alliance and keep information from her. Patty must keep Gregory Malina secure until his deposition because her case will fall apart without it.
Tuesday, September 18th, 2007
8: Blame the Victim
Ellen gets some bad news from her parents. Arthur Frobisher and his team do everything they can to keep things going their way while a witness remains missing.
Tuesday, September 25th, 2007
9: Do You Regret What We Did?
Patty Hewes and Arthur Frobisher continue to struggle for dominance as the deposition nears.
Tuesday, October 2nd, 2007
10: Sort of Like a Family
Ellen tries to get herself back into the mix as Patty and Frobisher fight it out at the deposition.
Tuesday, October 9th, 2007
11: I Hate These People
Patty offers Ellen her job back, however, Ellen declines but volunteers to keep helping Patty with the Frobisher case. Lila is back, and bringing more havoc into David and Ellen's lives. Patty uses the newly acquired evidence to blackmail Ray, and offers him an ultimatum.
Tuesday, October 16th, 2007
12: There's No 'We' Anymore
Patty finally posts bail for Ellen as Frobisher learns about a tape made by Gregory Malina that could ruin him.
Tuesday, October 23rd, 2007
13: Because I Know Patty
The first season ends with Ellen talking Patty into defending her in exchange for the Gregory Malina videotape.
Season 2
Wednesday, January 7th, 2009
1: I Lied, Too
Fresh off her legal victory over billionaire CEO Arthur Frobisher, Patty is taking a break from the law and pouring her energies into her new charitable foundation. But when Patty receives a call from Daniel Purcell, a man from her past, she finds herself entangled in a case with personal and professional repercussions, the likes of which she could never have imagined.
Wednesday, January 14th, 2009
2: Burn It, Shred It, I Don't Care
Patty suspects there is more to Daniel Purcell's case than simple murder; Ellen secretly assists the FBI in their attempt to flip Tom Shayes and use him against Patty.
Wednesday, January 21st, 2009
3: I Knew Your Pig
Patty begins to suspect Purcell of withholding vital information; Ellen uncovers a decades-old secret from Patty and Purcell's past.
Wednesday, January 28th, 2009
4: Hey! Mr. Pibb!
Patty works to clear Daniel in his wife's murder; Ellen and Tom go to West Virginia to gather vital information in the case against Ultima National Resources.
Wednesday, February 4th, 2009
5: I Agree, It Wasn't Funny
Patty begins to question Ellen's motives for returning to the firm; Patty tries to stop a corporate merger that she thinks is connected to Christine Purcell's murder.
Wednesday, February 11th, 2009
6: A Pretty Girl in a Leotard
Convinced that she knows who is responsible for Christine's murder, Patty uses the media to wage war; Ellen gets closer in her attempt to link Frobisher to David's murder.
Wednesday, February 18th, 2009
7: New York Sucks
Ellen, furious at Patty's new alliance, provides the FBI with a new lead to bring her down.
Wednesday, February 25th, 2009
8: They Had to Tweeze That Out of My Kidney
As she copes with mounting pressure, Patty begins to unravel Walter Kendrick's energy scheme. Meanwhile, Arthur Frobisher's past will come back to haunt him.
Wednesday, March 4th, 2009
9: You Got Your Prom Date Pregnant
As Patty goes on the offensive against the FBI, Ellen discovers troubling news about the investigation. Meanwhile, Patty's husband gets an intriguing offer
Wednesday, March 11th, 2009
10: Uh Oh, Out Come the Skeletons
As Patty increases the pressure in her case against UNR, the opposition starts to show its cracks; Wes and Ellen's relationship heads in a new direction; the FBI's investigation into Patty takes a shocking turn.
Wednesday, March 18th, 2009
11: London, Of Course
Claire risks everything to oust CEO Walter Kendrick; Ellen discovers a secret about Patty's personal life.
Wednesday, March 25th, 2009
12: Look What He Dug Up This Time
Ellen convinces the FBI to radically change their approach in the investigation. Meanwhile, Daniel Purcell reenters Patty's life and becomes critical to her case against UNR.
Wednesday, April 1st, 2009
13: Trust Me
Patty goes to extremes to win her case against UNR, as Ellen's season long quest for revenge builds to an explosive conclusion.
Season 3
Monday, January 25th, 2010
1: Your Secrets Are Safe
Patty Hewes has been appointed by the U.S. government to recover billions of dollars lost to the largest investment fraud in Wall Street history. The new case pits Patty against the powerful Tobin family, which includes Joe Tobin (Campbell Scott), Marilyn Tobin (Lily Tomlin), and the family's trusted attorney Leonard Winstone (Martin Short). Meanwhile, Ellen Parsons adjusts to the challenges of her new job, and life, away from Patty Hewes.
Monday, February 1st, 2010
2: The Dog Is Happier Without Her
Patty and Tom continue to dig into the Tobin family's sordid past, while Joe Tobin must decide between his family and his integrity. Ellen aids Tom in his investigation of the Tobin's, but in doing so receives some bad news of her own. While locked in the midst of a bitter divorce, Patty and Phil find one piece of common ground in the form of their beloved dog.
Monday, February 8th, 2010
3: Flight's at 11:08
Patty is forced to race against the clock to prevent a key witness in the Tobin case from fleeing the country. Meanwhile, Ellen learns a dark and shocking family secret.
Monday, February 15th, 2010
4: Don't Throw That at the Chicken
Patty drills Louis Tobin about his fraud while his son Joe makes a decision that will determine the fate of the Tobin family forever.
Monday, February 22nd, 2010
5: It's Not My Birthday
Patty Hewes squares off with the D.A. over access to a key witness. A job candidate at Hewes & Shayes asks Ellen for insight into Patty.
Monday, March 1st, 2010
6: Don't Forget to Thank Mr. Zedeck
Patty is under tremendous pressure from the Attorney's Office to make progress in the Tobin case, and winds up striking a bargain with an unlikely source. Ellen discovers some new evidence in Louis Tobin's death and Tom's financial troubles begin to effect him in more obvious ways.
Monday, March 8th, 2010
7: You Haven't Replaced Me
Patty sends Tom out of the country to follow the money trail of the Tobin fraud. Ellen must choose between her new boss and Patty. Leonard Winstone leaves the city under mysterious circumstances.
Monday, March 15th, 2010
8: I Look Like Frankenstein
Carol Tobin suddenly disappears and it is up to Patty and Ellen to track her down. Arthur Frobisher returns to the fold to open his new foundation.
Monday, March 22nd, 2010
9: Drive It Through Hardcore
Patty finally manages to track down the missing Carol Tobin and forces her to give up the truth about the fateful Tobin Thanksgiving. Meanwhile, Ellen's home life is turned upside down and Frobisher begins to make his movie.
Monday, March 29th, 2010
10: Tell Me I'm Not Racist
A professional disaster looms for Patty when her clients ask that she be thrown off the Tobin case. Tom makes a risky move that may cost Ellen her job at the D.A.'s office.
Monday, April 5th, 2010
11: All That Crap About Your Family
Patty's star witness is arrested, forcing her to strike an unusual deal with the D.A.'s office. Frobisher reveals a little too much about his past.
Monday, April 12th, 2010
12: You Were His Little Monkey
Patty and Ellen set out to tear the Tobin family apart. When Tom Shayes' job and marriage unravel, he strikes up a deadly alliance.
Monday, April 19th, 2010
13: The Next One's Gonna Go In Your Throat
Ellen and Tom take matters into their own hands in an attempt to win the Tobin case; Patty Hewes is haunted by the price of her success.
Season 4
Wednesday, July 13th, 2011
1: There's Only One Way to Try a Case
Ellen investigates Howard Erickson's company despite warnings from her boss and from Patty; Patty takes on a big pharmaceutical firm; Erickson goes after defense contracts for his company.
Wednesday, July 20th, 2011
2: I've Done Way Too Much for This Girl
Ellen takes the High Star case to the senior partners; Chris feels certain he is being targeted; Erickson and Boorman try to make the lawsuit go away.
Wednesday, July 27th, 2011
3: I'd Prefer My Old Office
Ellen learns that Chris used to hunt down terror suspects; Patty rejects Erickson's settlement suggestion for the High Star case.
Wednesday, August 3rd, 2011
4: Next One's On Me, Blondie
Ellen meets the son of Chris' Afghan contact; Erickson decides to torture Chris for information about the possibility of an intelligence breach; Patty discovers that High Star extracts terror suspects for the CIA.
Wednesday, August 10th, 2011
5: We'll Just Have to Find Another Way to Cut the Balls Off of This Thing
Ellen and Patty move Nasim to a safer place as they gather evidence against High Star; Boorman frames Nasim for an attempted bombing to prevent his deposition; Erickson struggles to maintain his CIA contact.
Wednesday, August 17th, 2011
6: Add That Little Hopper to Your Stew
Now that Nasim is labeled as a terrorist, he loses his credibility as a witness. Erickson buys land to build a private army. Ellen enlists journalist Dean Gulickson to track down Chris in Afghanistan. Michael comes to see Patty and demands to meet Catherine.
Wednesday, August 24th, 2011
7: I'm Worried About My Dog
Patty uses her drug-company case to gain information on High Star; and a journalist tries to embed with High Star mercenaries in Afghanistan. Meanwhile, Michael Hewes seeks out his daughter, Catherine.
Wednesday, August 31st, 2011
8: The War Will Go On Forever
While reporter Dean Gullickson (Griffin Dunne) heads to Afghanistan, Erickson orders his staff there to deal with Sanchez once and for all. He also confronts Boorman. Meanwhile, the judge in the High Star case allows Ellen to depose Erickson. "Just remember that we're in the middle of a game," Patty tells her. "We don't have to win it now. We just want to keep playing."
Wednesday, September 7th, 2011
9: There's a Whole Slew of Ladies with Bad Things to Say About the Taliban
Boorman tries to align himself with Patty. Meanwhile, Chris' life remains in jeopardy and the case becomes personal for Erickson.
Wednesday, September 14th, 2011
10: Failure is Lonely
Ellen is furious with Patty for violating their agreement about the High Star case. And tempers come to a head between Erickson and Boorman—with Chris' life hanging in the balance.
Season 5
Wednesday, July 11th, 2012
1: You Want to End This Once and For All?
A whistle-blower case puts Patty and Ellen against each other.
Wednesday, July 18th, 2012
2: Have You Met the Eel Yet?
A hacker claims to have pertinent information about the leak at Princefield; Patty’s former colleague offers her services to Ellen.
Wednesday, July 25th, 2012
3: Failure Is Failure
Ellen detects inconsistencies in McClaren’s story. Later, Ellen’s mother requests her help.
Wednesday, August 1st, 2012
4: I Love You, Mommy
Patty and Ellen seek the source of the Princefield leak, while Patty takes on Ellen through the press.
Wednesday, August 8th, 2012
5: There's Something Wrong With Me
Someone from McClaren's past turns up and sheds light on his personal life; Patty has a confrontation with an adversary.
Wednesday, August 15th, 2012
6: I Need To Win
The attack Ellen suffered years ago comes back to haunt her.
Wednesday, August 22nd, 2012
7: The Storm's Moving In
A blizzard strands Patty and Ellen; McClaren uncovers a major player in the trading scandal.
Wednesday, August 29th, 2012
8: I'm Afraid of What I'll Find
Ellen begins to uncover the truth about her attacker. Chris Sanchez approaches McClaren with information.
Wednesday, September 5th, 2012
9: I Like Your Chair
McClaren's latest leak thrusts Ellen into the spotlight. Tensions between McClaren and Rutger Simon come to a head.
Wednesday, September 12th, 2012
10: But You Don't Do That Anymore
Patty and Ellen face off against each other in court, and the shocking results alter their lives forever.