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Updating series Doctor Who (2005) (218/78804)
Updating Doctor Who (2005) episode s1 e1 (tt0562992): Rose
Updating Doctor Who (2005) episode s1 e2 (tt0562997): The End of the World
Updating Doctor Who (2005) episode s1 e3 (tt0563001): The Unquiet Dead
Updating Doctor Who (2005) episode s1 e4 (tt0562985): Aliens of London (1)
Updating Doctor Who (2005) episode s1 e5 (tt0563003): World War Three (2)
Updating Doctor Who (2005) episode s1 e6 (tt0562988): Dalek
Updating Doctor Who (2005) episode s1 e7 (tt0562999): The Long Game
Updating Doctor Who (2005) episode s1 e8 (tt0562989): Father's Day
Updating Doctor Who (2005) episode s1 e9 (tt0562996): The Empty Child (1)
Updating Doctor Who (2005) episode s1 e10 (tt0562995): The Doctor Dances (2)
Updating Doctor Who (2005) episode s1 e11 (tt0562987): Boom Town
Updating Doctor Who (2005) episode s1 e12 (tt0562986): Bad Wolf (1)
Updating Doctor Who (2005) episode s1 e13 (tt0563000): The Parting of the Ways (2)
Updating Doctor Who (2005) episode s2 e1 (tt0562990): New Earth
Updating Doctor Who (2005) episode s2 e2 (tt0563002): Tooth and Claw
Updating Doctor Who (2005) episode s2 e3 (tt0562993): School Reunion
Updating Doctor Who (2005) episode s2 e4 (tt0562998): The Girl in the Fireplace
Updating Doctor Who (2005) episode s2 e7 (tt0756451): The Idiot's Lantern
Updating Doctor Who (2005) episode s2 e8 (tt0772457): The Impossible Planet (1)
Updating Doctor Who (2005) episode s2 e9 (tt0756448): The Satan Pit (2)
Updating Doctor Who (2005) episode s2 e12 (tt0756449): Army of Ghosts (1)
Updating Doctor Who (2005) episode s2 e13 (tt0756450): Doomsday (2)
Updating Doctor Who (2005) episode s2 e5 (tt0562991): Rise of the Cybermen (1)
Updating Doctor Who (2005) episode s2 e11 (tt0756446): Fear Her
Updating Doctor Who (2005) episode s0 e1 (): Children in Need: Born Again
Updating Doctor Who (2005) episode s0 e4 (tt0827573): The Runaway Bride
Updating Doctor Who (2005) episode s0 e3 (): Attack of the Graske
Updating Doctor Who (2005) episode s2 e6 (tt0756447): The Age of Steel (2)
Updating Doctor Who (2005) episode s2 e10 (tt0766171): Love and Monsters
Updating Doctor Who (2005) episode s0 e2 (tt0562994): The Christmas Invasion
Updating Doctor Who (2005) episode s3 e1 (tt0974728): Smith and Jones
Updating Doctor Who (2005) episode s3 e2 (tt0974729): The Shakespeare Code
Updating Doctor Who (2005) episode s3 e3 (tt1000253): Gridlock
Updating Doctor Who (2005) episode s3 e4 (tt0993186): Daleks in Manhattan (1)
Updating Doctor Who (2005) episode s3 e5 (tt0996572): Evolution of the Daleks (2)
Updating Doctor Who (2005) episode s3 e6 (tt1000257): The Lazarus Experiment
Updating Doctor Who (2005) episode s3 e7 (tt1000251): 42
Updating Doctor Who (2005) episode s3 e8 (tt1000254): Human Nature (1)
Updating Doctor Who (2005) episode s3 e9 (tt1000256): The Family of Blood (2)
Updating Doctor Who (2005) episode s3 e10 (tt1000252): Blink
Updating Doctor Who (2005) episode s3 e11 (tt1000259): Utopia (1)
Updating Doctor Who (2005) episode s3 e12 (tt1000258): The Sound of Drums (2)
Updating Doctor Who (2005) episode s3 e13 (tt1000255): Last of the Time Lords (3)
Updating Doctor Who (2005) episode s0 e7 (tt1061123): Voyage of the Damned
Updating Doctor Who (2005) episode s0 e6 (): Children in Need: Time Crash
Updating Doctor Who (2005) episode s0 e5 (): The Infinite Quest
Updating Doctor Who (2005) episode s4 e2 (tt1173173): The Fires of Pompeii
Updating Doctor Who (2005) episode s4 e1 (tt1159991): Partners in Crime
Updating Doctor Who (2005) episode s4 e3 (tt1173174): Planet of the Ood
Updating Doctor Who (2005) episode s4 e4 (tt1159992): The Sontaran Stratagem (1)
Updating Doctor Who (2005) episode s4 e5 (tt1208127): The Poison Sky (2)
Updating Doctor Who (2005) episode s4 e6 (tt1205439): The Doctor's Daughter
Updating Doctor Who (2005) episode s4 e7 (tt1208130): The Unicorn and the Wasp
Updating Doctor Who (2005) episode s4 e8 (tt1208129): Silence in the Library (1)
Updating Doctor Who (2005) episode s4 e9 (tt1205440): Forest of the Dead (2)
Updating Doctor Who (2005) episode s4 e10 (tt1208128): Midnight
Updating Doctor Who (2005) episode s4 e11 (tt1205436): Turn Left
Updating Doctor Who (2005) episode s4 e12 (tt1205437): The Stolen Earth (1)
Updating Doctor Who (2005) episode s4 e13 (tt1205438): Journey's End (2)
Updating Doctor Who (2005) episode s0 e9 (tt1321969): The Next Doctor
Updating Doctor Who (2005) episode s0 e8 (): Proms Special: Music of the Spheres
Updating Doctor Who (2005) episode s0 e12 (): Proms Special: Behind the Scenes
Updating Doctor Who (2005) episode s0 e11 (): Doctor Who at the Proms
Updating Doctor Who (2005) episode s0 e10 (): Christmas Moments
Updating Doctor Who (2005) episode s0 e13 (tt1337072): Planet of the Dead
Updating Doctor Who (2005) episode s0 e14 (): The Waters of Mars
Updating Doctor Who (2005) episode s0 e17 (tt1415017): The End of Time (2)
Updating Doctor Who (2005) episode s0 e15 (): Dreamland
Updating Doctor Who (2005) episode s5 e1 (tt1577256): The Eleventh Hour
Updating Doctor Who (2005) episode s5 e2 (tt1577257): The Beast Below
Updating Doctor Who (2005) episode s5 e3 (tt1577258): Victory of the Daleks
Updating Doctor Who (2005) episode s5 e4 (tt1577259): The Time of Angels (1)
Updating Doctor Who (2005) episode s5 e5 (tt1589021): Flesh and Stone (2)
Updating Doctor Who (2005) episode s5 e6 (tt1591787): The Vampires of Venice
Updating Doctor Who (2005) episode s5 e7 (tt1591788): Amy's Choice
Updating Doctor Who (2005) episode s5 e8 (tt1591789): The Hungry Earth (1)
Updating Doctor Who (2005) episode s5 e10 (tt1591786): Vincent and the Doctor
Updating Doctor Who (2005) episode s5 e11 (tt1607757): The Lodger
Updating Doctor Who (2005) episode s5 e12 (tt1607758): The Pandorica Opens (1)
Updating Doctor Who (2005) episode s5 e13 (tt1607759): The Big Bang (2)
Updating Doctor Who (2005) episode s5 e9 (tt1591790): Cold Blood (2)
Updating Doctor Who (2005) episode s0 e18 (): The Ultimate Guide
Updating Doctor Who (2005) episode s0 e19 (): Tardisode 01: New Earth
Updating Doctor Who (2005) episode s0 e20 (): Tardisode 02: Tooth And Claw
Updating Doctor Who (2005) episode s0 e21 (): Tardisode 03: School Reunion
Updating Doctor Who (2005) episode s0 e22 (): Tardisode 04: The Girl In The Fireplace
Updating Doctor Who (2005) episode s0 e23 (): Tardisode 05: Rise of the Cybermen
Updating Doctor Who (2005) episode s0 e24 (): Tardisode 06: The Age Of Steel
Updating Doctor Who (2005) episode s0 e25 (): Tardisode 07: The Idiot's Lantern
Updating Doctor Who (2005) episode s0 e26 (): Tardisode 08: The Impossible Planet
Updating Doctor Who (2005) episode s0 e27 (): Tardisode 09: The Satan Pit
Updating Doctor Who (2005) episode s0 e28 (): Tardisode 10: Love And Monsters
Updating Doctor Who (2005) episode s0 e29 (): Tardisode 11: Fear Her
Updating Doctor Who (2005) episode s0 e30 (): Tardisode 12: Army of Ghosts
Updating Doctor Who (2005) episode s0 e31 (): Tardisode 13: Doomsday
Updating Doctor Who (2005) episode s0 e32 (): Doctor Who at the Proms (2010)
Updating Doctor Who (2005) episode s0 e34 (tt1672218): A Christmas Carol
Updating Doctor Who (2005) episode s0 e33 (): Children in Need: A TARDIS Tea Party
Updating Doctor Who (2005) episode s6 e1 (tt1723888): The Impossible Astronaut (1)
Updating Doctor Who (2005) episode s6 e2 (tt1723889): Day of the Moon (2)
Updating Doctor Who (2005) episode s6 e3 (tt1721225): The Curse of the Black Spot
Updating Doctor Who (2005) episode s6 e4 (tt1721226): The Doctor's Wife
Updating Doctor Who (2005) episode s6 e5 (tt1777783): The Rebel Flesh (1)
Updating Doctor Who (2005) episode s6 e6 (tt1777782): The Almost People (2)
Updating Doctor Who (2005) episode s6 e7 (tt1777781): A Good Man Goes to War
Updating Doctor Who (2005) episode s6 e8 (tt1795142): Let's Kill Hitler
Updating Doctor Who (2005) episode s6 e9 (tt1795143): Night Terrors
Updating Doctor Who (2005) episode s6 e10 (tt1795139): The Girl Who Waited
Updating Doctor Who (2005) episode s6 e11 (tt1795140): The God Complex
Updating Doctor Who (2005) episode s6 e12 (tt1795141): Closing Time
Updating Doctor Who (2005) episode s6 e13 (tt1824359): The Wedding of River Song
Updating Doctor Who (2005) episode s0 e35 (): Space (1)
Updating Doctor Who (2005) episode s0 e36 (): Time (2)
Updating Doctor Who (2005) episode s0 e37 (): Best of the Doctor
Updating Doctor Who (2005) episode s0 e38 (): Death is the Only Answer
Updating Doctor Who (2005) episode s0 e39 (): Best of the Monsters
Updating Doctor Who (2005) episode s0 e40 (): Best of the Companions
Updating Doctor Who (2005) episode s0 e41 (): Doctor Who: A Celebration Concert
Updating Doctor Who (2005) episode s0 e42 (): The Impossible Astronaut Prequel
Updating Doctor Who (2005) episode s0 e43 (): The Curse of the Black Spot Prequel
Updating Doctor Who (2005) episode s0 e44 (): A Good Man Goes to War Prequel
Updating Doctor Who (2005) episode s0 e45 (): Let's Kill Hitler Prequel
Updating Doctor Who (2005) episode s0 e46 (): The Wedding of River Song Prequel
Updating Doctor Who (2005) episode s0 e48 (tt2911112): The Doctor, the Widow and the Wardrobe
Updating Doctor Who (2005) episode s0 e49 (): Children in Need: The Doctor's Clothes
Updating Doctor Who (2005) episode s0 e50 (): Best of the Christmas Specials
Updating Doctor Who (2005) episode s7 e1 (tt2402301): Asylum of the Daleks
Updating Doctor Who (2005) episode s0 e47 (): The Doctor, the Widow and the Wardrobe Prequel
Updating Doctor Who (2005) episode s0 e51 (): Bad Night
Updating Doctor Who (2005) episode s0 e52 (): Good Night
Updating Doctor Who (2005) episode s0 e53 (): First Night
Updating Doctor Who (2005) episode s0 e54 (): Last Night
Updating Doctor Who (2005) episode s0 e55 (): Up All Night
Updating Doctor Who (2005) episode s7 e2 (tt2317659): Dinosaurs on a Spaceship
Updating Doctor Who (2005) episode s7 e3 (tt2340501): A Town Called Mercy
Updating Doctor Who (2005) episode s7 e4 (tt2399633): The Power of Three
Updating Doctor Who (2005) episode s7 e5 (tt2378951): The Angels Take Manhattan
Updating Doctor Who (2005) episode s0 e56 (): Good as Gold
Updating Doctor Who (2005) episode s0 e58 (): The Women of Doctor Who
Updating Doctor Who (2005) episode s0 e59 (): The Timey-Wimey of Doctor Who
Updating Doctor Who (2005) episode s0 e60 (): The Destinations of Doctor Who
Updating Doctor Who (2005) episode s0 e57 (): The Science of Doctor Who
Updating Doctor Who (2005) episode s0 e66 (tt2380513): The Snowmen
Updating Doctor Who (2005) episode s0 e61 (): Pond Life (1): April
Updating Doctor Who (2005) episode s0 e62 (): Pond Life (2): May
Updating Doctor Who (2005) episode s0 e63 (): Pond Life (3): June
Updating Doctor Who (2005) episode s0 e64 (): Pond Life (4): July
Updating Doctor Who (2005) episode s0 e65 (): Pond Life (5): August
Updating Doctor Who (2005) episode s0 e67 (): Meanwhile in the TARDIS (1)
Updating Doctor Who (2005) episode s0 e68 (): Meanwhile in the TARDIS (2)
Updating Doctor Who (2005) episode s0 e69 (): Asylum of the Daleks Prequel
Updating Doctor Who (2005) episode s0 e70 (): The Making of the Gunslinger (A Town Called Mercy Prequel)
Updating Doctor Who (2005) episode s7 e7 (tt2284610): The Rings Of Akhaten
Updating Doctor Who (2005) episode s0 e71 (): The Last Day of the Ponds
Updating Doctor Who (2005) episode s0 e72 (): Doctor Who in America
Updating Doctor Who (2005) episode s0 e73 (): Doctor Who in the U.S.
Updating Doctor Who (2005) episode s0 e74 (): Children in Need: The Great Detective
Updating Doctor Who (2005) episode s0 e75 (): Doctor Who: P.S.
Updating Doctor Who (2005) episode s0 e76 (): Doctor Who: Rewind - Trust your Doctor
Updating Doctor Who (2005) episode s0 e77 (): Vastra Investigates: A Christmas Prequel
Updating Doctor Who (2005) episode s7 e6 (tt2222152): The Bells of Saint John
Updating Doctor Who (2005) episode s0 e78 (): An Adventure in Space and Time
Updating Doctor Who (2005) episode s0 e79 (): The Bells of Saint John: A Prequel
Updating Doctor Who (2005) episode s0 e80 (): The Battle of Demon's Run — Two Days Later
Updating Doctor Who (2005) episode s0 e81 (): National Television Awards Sketch 2011
Updating Doctor Who (2005) episode s7 e8 (tt2267312): Cold War
Updating Doctor Who (2005) episode s7 e9 (tt2267332): Hide
Updating Doctor Who (2005) episode s7 e10 (tt2267326): Journey to the Centre of the TARDIS
Updating Doctor Who (2005) episode s7 e11 (tt2204480): The Crimson Horror
Updating Doctor Who (2005) episode s7 e12 (tt2267338): Nightmare in Silver
Updating Doctor Who (2005) episode s0 e89 (): The Companions
Updating Doctor Who (2005) episode s7 e13 (tt2267346): The Name of the Doctor
Updating Doctor Who (2005) episode s0 e83 (): The Day of the Doctor
Updating Doctor Who (2005) episode s0 e84 (tt2986512): The Time of the Doctor
Updating Doctor Who (2005) episode s0 e85 (): She Said, He Said (The Name of the Doctor Prequel)
Updating Doctor Who (2005) episode s0 e86 (): Clarence and the Whispermen (The Name of the Doctor Prequel)
Updating Doctor Who (2005) episode s0 e87 (): Doctor Who Live: The Next Doctor
Updating Doctor Who (2005) episode s0 e88 (): Doctor Who at the Proms (2013)
Updating Doctor Who (2005) episode s0 e82 (): The Night of the Doctor
Updating Doctor Who (2005) episode s0 e90 (): The Science of Doctor Who (2013)
Updating Doctor Who (2005) episode s0 e91 (): The Ultimate Guide (2013)
Updating Doctor Who (2005) episode s0 e92 (): The Afterparty
Updating Doctor Who (2005) episode s0 e93 (): The Last Day
Updating Doctor Who (2005) episode s0 e94 (): Doctor Who Explained
Updating Doctor Who (2005) episode s0 e95 (): The Five(ish) Doctors Reboot
Updating Doctor Who (2005) episode s0 e96 (): The Day of the Doctor: Behind the Lens
Updating Doctor Who (2005) episode s0 e97 (): Tales from the TARDIS
Updating Doctor Who (2005) episode s0 e101 (): Farewell to Matt Smith
Updating Doctor Who (2005) episode s0 e98 (): Clara and the TARDIS
Updating Doctor Who (2005) episode s0 e99 (): Rain Gods
Updating Doctor Who (2005) episode s0 e100 (): The Inforarium
Updating Doctor Who (2005) episode s0 e102 (): Tonight's the Night
Updating Doctor Who (2005) episode s0 e103 (): The Time of the Doctor: Behind the Lens
Updating Doctor Who (2005) episode s0 e104 (): The Doctors Revisited: The First Doctor
Updating Doctor Who (2005) episode s0 e105 (): The Doctors Revisited: The Second Doctor
Updating Doctor Who (2005) episode s0 e106 (): The Doctors Revisited: The Third Doctor
Updating Doctor Who (2005) episode s0 e107 (): The Doctors Revisited: The Fourth Doctor
Updating Doctor Who (2005) episode s0 e108 (): The Doctors Revisited: The Fifth Doctor
Updating Doctor Who (2005) episode s0 e109 (): The Doctors Revisited: The Sixth Doctor
Updating Doctor Who (2005) episode s0 e110 (): The Doctors Revisited: The Seventh Doctor
Updating Doctor Who (2005) episode s0 e111 (): The Doctors Revisited: The Eighth Doctor
Updating Doctor Who (2005) episode s0 e112 (): The Doctors Revisited: The Ninth Doctor
Updating Doctor Who (2005) episode s0 e113 (): The Doctors Revisited: The Tenth Doctor
Updating Doctor Who (2005) episode s0 e114 (): The Doctors Revisited: The Eleventh Doctor
Updating Doctor Who (2005) episode s8 e1 (tt3469416): Deep Breath
Updating Doctor Who (2005) episode s8 e2 (tt3737226): Into the Dalek
Updating Doctor Who (2005) episode s8 e3 (tt3714112): Robot of Sherwood
Updating Doctor Who (2005) episode s8 e4 (tt3745430): Listen
Updating Doctor Who (2005) episode s8 e5 (tt3845940): Time Heist
Updating Doctor Who (2005) episode s8 e6 (tt3845938): The Caretaker
Updating Doctor Who (2005) episode s8 e7 (tt3787384): Kill the Moon
Updating Doctor Who (2005) episode s8 e8 (tt3787400): Mummy on the Orient Express
Updating Doctor Who (2005) episode s8 e9 (tt3834038): Flatline
Updating Doctor Who (2005) episode s8 e10 (tt3834040): In the Forest of the Night
Updating Doctor Who (2005) episode s8 e11 (tt3834042): Dark Water (1)
Updating Doctor Who (2005) episode s8 e12 (tt3834044): Death in Heaven (2)
Updating Doctor Who (2005) episode s0 e115 (): Greatest Monsters and Villains (1) - The Judoon
Updating Doctor Who (2005) episode s0 e116 (): Greatest Monsters and Villains (2) - The Silurian
Updating Doctor Who (2005) episode s0 e117 (): Greatest Monsters and Villains (3) - The Ood
Updating Doctor Who (2005) episode s0 e118 (): Greatest Monsters and Villains (4) - The Clockwork Droids
Updating Doctor Who (2005) episode s0 e119 (): Greatest Monsters and Villains (5) - The Ice Warriors
Updating Doctor Who (2005) episode s0 e120 (): Greatest Monsters and Villains (6) - The Cybermen
Updating Doctor Who (2005) episode s0 e121 (): Greatest Monsters and Villains (7) - The Silence
Updating Doctor Who (2005) episode s0 e122 (): Greatest Monsters and Villains (8) - The Master
Updating Doctor Who (2005) episode s0 e123 (): Greatest Monsters and Villains (9) - The Weeping Angels
Updating Doctor Who (2005) episode s0 e124 (): Greatest Monsters and Villains (10) - The Daleks
Updating Doctor Who (2005) episode s0 e125 (): The Ultimate Companion
Updating Doctor Who (2005) episode s0 e126 (): The Ultimate Time Lord
Updating Doctor Who (2005) episode s0 e128 (): Live Preshow
Updating Doctor Who (2005) episode s0 e129 (): After Who Live
Updating Doctor Who (2005) episode s0 e127 (tt4056490): Earth Conquest (The World Tour)
Updating Doctor Who (2005) episode s0 e130 (): Doctor Who Extra: Deep Breath
Updating Doctor Who (2005) episode s0 e131 (): Doctor Who Extra: Into the Dalek
Updating Doctor Who (2005) episode s0 e132 (): Doctor Who Extra: Robot of Sherwood
Updating Doctor Who (2005) episode s0 e133 (): Doctor Who Extra: Listen
Updating Doctor Who (2005) episode s0 e134 (): Doctor Who Extra: Time Heist
Updating Doctor Who (2005) episode s0 e135 (): Doctor Who Extra: The Caretaker
Updating Doctor Who (2005) episode s0 e136 (): Doctor Who Extra: Kill the Moon
Updating Doctor Who (2005) episode s0 e137 (): Doctor Who Extra: Mummy on the Orient Express
Updating Doctor Who (2005) episode s0 e138 (): Doctor Who Extra: Flatline
Updating Doctor Who (2005) episode s0 e139 (): Doctor Who Extra: In the Forest of the Night
Updating Doctor Who (2005) episode s0 e140 (): Doctor Who Extra: Dark Water
Updating Doctor Who (2005) episode s0 e141 (): Doctor Who Extra: Death in Heaven
Updating Doctor Who (2005) episode s0 e142 (tt4050552): Last Christmas
Updating Doctor Who (2005) episode s9 e1 (tt4289846): The Magician's Apprentice (1)
Updating Doctor Who (2005) episode s0 e143 (): Doctor Who Extra: Last Christmas
Updating Doctor Who (2005) episode s9 e2 (tt4464958): The Witch's Familiar (2)
Updating Doctor Who (2005) episode s0 e145 (): Deep Breath Prequel
Updating Doctor Who (2005) episode s9 e3 (tt4483506): Under the Lake (1)
Updating Doctor Who (2005) episode s9 e4 (tt4483520): Before the Flood (2)
Updating Doctor Who (2005) episode s9 e5 (tt4507160): The Girl Who Died
Updating Doctor Who (2005) episode s9 e6 (tt4545140): The Woman Who Lived
Updating Doctor Who (2005) episode s9 e7 (tt4652840): The Zygon Invasion (1)
Updating Doctor Who (2005) episode s9 e8 (tt4652846): The Zygon Inversion (2)
Updating Doctor Who (2005) episode s9 e9 (tt4787004): Sleep No More
Updating Doctor Who (2005) episode s9 e10 (tt4701538): Face the Raven
Updating Doctor Who (2005) episode s9 e11 (tt4701542): Heaven Sent
Updating Doctor Who (2005) episode s9 e12 (tt4701544): Hell Bent
Updating Doctor Who (2005) episode s0 e146 (): New Series Prologue
Updating Doctor Who (2005) episode s0 e147 (): The Doctor's Meditation
Updating Doctor Who (2005) episode s0 e148 (tt4701546): The Husbands of River Song
Updating Doctor Who (2005) episode s0 e144 (): Doctor Who Extra: The Husbands of River Song
Updating Doctor Who (2005) episode s0 e149 (tt5163494): The Return of Doctor Mysterio
Updating Doctor Who (2005) episode s10 e1 (tt5848216): The Pilot
Updating Doctor Who (2005) episode s0 e151 (): The Doctor: A New Kind of Hero
Updating Doctor Who (2005) episode s0 e150 (): Doctor Who Extra: The Return of Doctor Mysterio
Updating Doctor Who (2005) episode s10 e2 (tt5985750): Smile
Updating Doctor Who (2005) episode s10 e3 (tt5985752): Thin Ice
Updating Doctor Who (2005) episode s10 e4 (tt5985754): Knock Knock
Updating Doctor Who (2005) episode s10 e5 (tt6250146): Oxygen
Updating Doctor Who (2005) episode s10 e6 (tt6340130): Extremis
Updating Doctor Who (2005) episode s10 e7 (tt6336800): The Pyramid at the End of the World
Updating Doctor Who (2005) episode s10 e8 (tt6333372): The Lie of the Land
Updating Doctor Who (2005) episode s10 e9 (tt6340134): Empress of Mars
Updating Doctor Who (2005) episode s10 e10 (tt6250158): The Eaters of Light
Updating Doctor Who (2005) episode s10 e11 (tt6340138): World Enough and Time (1)
Updating Doctor Who (2005) episode s10 e12 (tt6340142): The Doctor Falls (2)
Updating Doctor Who (2005) episode s0 e16 (tt1415016): The End of Time (1)
Updating Doctor Who (2005) episode s0 e152 (): Friend from the Future
Updating Doctor Who (2005) episode s0 e153 (): Meet the Thirteenth Doctor
Updating Doctor Who (2005) episode s0 e154 (tt6968542): Twice Upon a Time
Updating Doctor Who (2005) episode s0 e155 (): An Adventure in Space and Time: Behind the Scenes
Updating Doctor Who (2005) episode s11 e1 (tt7542168): The Woman Who Fell to Earth
Updating Doctor Who (2005) episode s11 e2 (tt7558994): The Ghost Monument
Updating Doctor Who (2005) episode s11 e3 (tt7689190): Rosa
Updating Doctor Who (2005) episode s11 e4 (tt7689200): Arachnids in the UK
Updating Doctor Who (2005) episode s11 e5 (tt7693260): The Tsuranga Conundrum
Updating Doctor Who (2005) episode s11 e6 (tt7693262): Demons of the Punjab
Updating Doctor Who (2005) episode s11 e7 (tt7693268): Kerblam!
Updating Doctor Who (2005) episode s11 e8 (tt7693274): The Witchfinders
Updating Doctor Who (2005) episode s11 e9 (tt7693276): It Takes You Away
Updating Doctor Who (2005) episode s11 e10 (tt7693280): The Battle of Ranskoor Av Kolos
Updating Doctor Who (2005) episode s0 e156 (tt8758636): Resolution
Updating Doctor Who (2005) episode s12 e1 (tt9354122): Spyfall (1)
Updating Doctor Who (2005) episode s12 e2 (tt9354166): Spyfall (2)
Updating Doctor Who (2005) episode s12 e3 (tt9354208): Orphan 55
Updating Doctor Who (2005) episode s12 e4 (tt9354212): Nikola Tesla's Night of Terror
Updating Doctor Who (2005) episode s12 e5 (tt9354216): Fugitive of the Judoon
Updating Doctor Who (2005) episode s12 e6 (tt9354222): Praxeus
Updating Doctor Who (2005) episode s12 e7 (tt9361014): Can You Hear Me?
Updating Doctor Who (2005) episode s12 e8 (tt9361038): The Haunting of Villa Diodati
Updating Doctor Who (2005) episode s12 e9 (tt9361042): Ascension of the Cybermen (1)
Updating Doctor Who (2005) episode s12 e10 (tt9361046): The Timeless Children (2)
Updating Doctor Who (2005) episode s0 e157 (tt11892730): Revolution of the Daleks
Updating Doctor Who (2005) episode s13 e1 (tt13456370): The Halloween Apocalypse (1)
Updating Doctor Who (2005) episode s13 e2 (tt13464078): War of the Sontarans (2)
Updating Doctor Who (2005) episode s13 e3 (tt13469788): Once, Upon Time (3)
Updating Doctor Who (2005) episode s13 e4 (tt13469792): Village of the Angels (4)
Updating Doctor Who (2005) episode s13 e5 (tt13469800): Survivors of the Flux (5)
Updating Doctor Who (2005) episode s13 e6 (tt13469804): The Vanquishers (6)
Updating Doctor Who (2005) episode s0 e158 (tt13469818): Eve of the Daleks
Updating Doctor Who (2005) episode s0 e159 (tt13469822): Legend of the Sea Devils
Updating Doctor Who (2005) episode s0 e161 (tt15243958): The Power of the Doctor
Updating Doctor Who (2005) episode s0 e162 (tt20245360): The Star Beast
Updating Doctor Who (2005) episode s0 e163 (tt15661864): Wild Blue Yonder
Updating Doctor Who (2005) episode s0 e164 (tt22987384): The Giggle
Updating Doctor Who (2005) episode s0 e165 (): Talking Doctor Who
Updating Doctor Who (2005) episode s0 e166 (): Doctor Who at 60: A Musical Celebration
Updating Doctor Who (2005) episode s0 e167 (): Children in Need Special 2023
Updating Doctor Who (2005) episode s0 e169 (): Children in Need: Looking for Pudsey
Updating Doctor Who (2005) episode s0 e170 (): Doctor Who: The Bedtime Story (The Way Back Home)
Updating Doctor Who (2005) episode s0 e171 (): A Ghost Story for Christmas
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